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Why do we talk pronouns? What are pronouns?

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Presentation on theme: "Why do we talk pronouns? What are pronouns?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Why do we talk pronouns? What are pronouns?
Learning moment! What are pronouns? What are gender neutral pronouns? What are your pronouns? What about French pronouns?

2 Gender Neutral Language & Pronouns
Gender neutral language makes room for everyone on the gender and sexual orientation continuum.

3 Introductions Name? Pronoun? Work location and role?
What you hope to get from this training?

4 Activity Take a piece of paper and split it into 4 with the following categories: Sex, Gender Identity, Gender Expression &Sexual Orientation

5 Place the following words into the boxes:
Assigned at birth Voice Cisgender Hair Masculine Feminine Trans Internal Pronoun Transsexual Genderqueer Pansexual Lived Identity Lesbian Straight Man Individual Curious Appearance Gay Make-up Personal Female Genitalia Two-Spirit Public Asexual Clothing Transgender Anatomical Woman Intersex Male Bisexual Are there other words you can think of?

6 What are these categories
Sex, Gender Identity, Gender Expression &Sexual Orientation are the 4 human rights categories that are protected in most provinces, and hopefully federally soon They are what we as a community use to understand gender & sexual diversity

7 SEX: Anatomy Genitalia
Intersex is an umbrella term that covers a ton of different conditions. Like we were saying before, not everyone falls under the category of male or female. Some people are born with different chromosomes than the societally “regualar” sexes. Some have different testosterone/androgen/estrogen levels, some have internal sex organs of the opposite sex and will live their life never even knowing. Some will be born with no sex organs at all.


9 Transgender Cisgender Gender queer Lived Personal Internal
It is lived, its internal and personal. It is the gender you identify with on the inside. It’s what your mind is telling you that you are. Transgendered means that you do NOT identify with your Sex Assigned at birth, while Cisgender means that you do identify with the sex you were assigned at birth. Two spirit is a term for indigenous people- they see it as one person having two spirits of different genders. You’ll hear terms like “trans masculine” which is an umbrella term for born female and identify as male, and trans feminine, which is born male and identify as female.



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