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Parent Centers Empowering Youth Self-Advocacy

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Presentation on theme: "Parent Centers Empowering Youth Self-Advocacy"— Presentation transcript:

1 Parent Centers Empowering Youth Self-Advocacy

2 2019 OSEP Leadership Conference
OSEP Disclaimer 2019 OSEP Leadership Conference DISCLAIMER: The contents of this presentation were developed by the presenters for the 2019 OSEP Leadership Conference. However, these contents do not necessarily represent the policy of the Department of Education, and you should not assume endorsement by the Federal Government. (Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1221e-3 and 3474)

3 Dr. Josie Badger - RAISE Co-Director
Contact Information For more information, please contact us at: Dr. Josie Badger - RAISE Co-Director

4 About RAISE In 2014, the Rehabilitation Services Administration funded the RAISE project at SPAN Parent Advocacy Network, a parent-led and family- centered nonprofit PTI to provide technical assistance on supporting individuals with disabilities through the transition from secondary school into competitive employment and independent living; and technical assistance services to the 7 transition parent centers in the country. Link Center at Federation for Children with Special Needs New York State Transition Partners, a collaboration of Starbridge and the Parent Network of Western New Open Doors for Multicultural Families in Washington Project Launch at PACER in Minnesota REACH for Transition at SPAN in New Jersey Shift Transition Project at PEAK in Colorado STELLAR Project at MPACT in Missouri

5 Director, Center for Parent Information & Resources
We cannot always build the future for our children... CPIR Debra Jennings Director, Center for Parent Information & Resources …but we can build our children for the future. —Franklin D. Roosevelt

6 Fostering Self-Determination
Are you looking for resources on… Fostering the self-determination skills of youth with disabilities? How to support youth in developing skills of self-advocacy? Transition planning for youth with disabilities? Come to the Parent Center Hub!

7 Best Practices in Self-Advocacy Skill Building
/priority-selfadvocacy/ A resource suite, with a companion webinar! /webinar-self-advocacy-skill-building/

8 Other resources for you @ the Hub!
There’s much more! 2019 OSEP LEADERSHIP CONFERENCE

9 The Center for Parent Information and Resources
can connect you to many, many tools for working with youth who have disabilities. We invite you to explore the Hub today! 2019 OSEP LEADERSHIP CONFERENCE

10 Developing Youth Programs through Community Partnership
Community Inclusion & Development Alliance (CIDA) Young Seh Bae, Ph.D. Executive Director

11 Community Inclusion & Development Alliance (CIDA)
501c3 Community Organization Community Parent Resource Center (CPRC) Serves Korean-American Community in NYC (Queens) & Long Island

12 Our Partnership Model Shares Resources Matches Funding Helps Outreach
Increases Project Success Rate Builds a Network of Collaborators Uplifts the Community

13 Partnership Based Youth Programs
Art Festival Sibling Net Community Classes Journalist Project University Resources & Local Artists Private Foundation & Policy Partners Fee for Services Local Media & Journalists

14 Check Before Partnership
Strategic Decision-Making Stay in the organization’s vision, mission & accountability Return on investment Partnership in Action Right Partners ≠ Not Big Partners Mutual Recognition Documentation of “Partnership” (MOU, Consent forms, Contract, Liability Insurance, etc.) Money Matters Cost-Analysis Sponsorship Increase Board Capacity

15 Direct Services for Youth: Supporting Self Advocacy
Susan Barlow, Executive Director, Parent Network of Western New York Jane Heaphy, Deputy Executive Director, INCLUDEnyc

16 Program models for youth work: INCLUDEnyc
Project Possibility One-to-one postsecondary counseling and case management Holistic planning to ensure clear goal, and necessary supports and services Primarily foundation funded Pre-ETS WIOA-aligned coaching and support services for youth ACCES-VR (NYS Education Department) funded High School Launch: School-based program for youth with IEP or 504 Group trainings, plus one-to-one sessions Students prepare for active role in IEP meeting Bridges workshops Workshops: professional networking, travel skills, sex/sexuality/consent, personal finances Foundation funded

17 Program Models: Parent Network of Western NY
Pre-ETS (ACCES-VR) Orientation to ACCES-VR Self-Advocacy For Students Strategic Collaborations Hosting events/conferences together with Youth and Self-Advocacy Organizations Teen Monthly Meet Ups Your Mama Doesn’t Work Here sessions Conduct interactive activities in classrooms on work readiness skills

18 Lessons Learned: PROGRAM DESIGN
Ground programming in youth development principles Staff with training/experience in working with young people, culture sensitivity/awareness Clarify goals/outcomes to better design activities and track success Flexible scheduling Provide transportation, food Combine one-to-one individual support with socialization opportunities

19 Knowledge in Advocacy Adam Shand, Family Liaison
Parents Reaching Out, New Mexico

20 Parents Reaching Out Youth/Transition Initiatives
Information and advocacy resources for youth 14+ offered in 5 modules. -Developed adaptable, activity-oriented curricula aligned with PRE ETS -Initially funded by local United Way, additional funding received -Delivered with partners across state and in tribal communities From Fear to Freedom Educates persons with disabilities on rights and introduced role models. -Set vision of positive future for families and youth -Funded by Governor’s Commission on Disability -Facilitated youth, family and self-advocate connections in 10 locales -Offered in English, Spanish and in tribal communities SHIFT Project Focuses on job-related training and skills -Partnered with Colorado’s PTI to deliver RSA-funded transition trainings

21 Parents Reaching Out Youth/Transition Initiatives cont…
Transition Conferences One-day events with multiple sessions focused on transition issues. -Engaged youth, families and providers in several regions of the state -Workshop sessions offered on topics including disability awareness/self- advocacy, disability rights, options after high school, guardianship and options, ABLE accounts, transportation, social opportunities. -Delivered with partners across state and in tribal communities

22 REGION D YOUTH OUTREACH COHORT Youth participation is a vital step in creating a more inclusive and encompassing community. How can we expect youth to become empowered if we don’t teach them the tools and knowledge necessary for such a task? Through participation, youth develop advocacy skills and can create positive change.

23 Lessons Learned -Families and youth respond to high expectations, role models and real-life examples. -Remain flexible with curricula and materials. -Keep it fun and interactive. -Utilize community partners for all aspects of programs.

24 2019 OSEP Leadership Conference
OSEP Disclaimer Again 2019 OSEP Leadership Conference DISCLAIMER: The contents of this presentation were developed by the presenters for the 2019 OSEP Leadership Conference. However, these contents do not necessarily represent the policy of the Department of Education, and you should not assume endorsement by the Federal Government. (Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1221e-3 and 3474)

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