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Engagement, eh.

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Presentation on theme: "Engagement, eh."— Presentation transcript:

1 engagement, eh

2 workshop activities by matt finch
Licensed Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)

3 whatever happens up above, we have to do our jobs relationships matter
So while service models change and we get new senior staff and the heavens shift, we continue toiling away at the work we have to do no matter what. engagement is a relationship not a service, not a product

4 whatever happens up above, we have to do our jobs relationships matter
And in our business, that’s largely a question of how we relate to other human beings. engagement is a relationship not a service, not a product

5 whatever happens up above, we have to do our jobs relationships matter
Engagement is not a product or service or even necessarily a process. It is a relationship - a really important one. engagement is a relationship not a service, not a product

6 whatever happens up above, we have to do our jobs relationships matter
engagement is a relationship not a service, not a product

7 whatever happens up above, we have to do our jobs relationships matter
engagement is a relationship not a service, not a product

8 Take a piece of paper and write down..

9 what do you love about your role?
what would you change about your role? what do you think is your role’s biggest benefit to your team? what do you think is your role’s biggest benefit to your wider organisation? your role’s biggest benefit to the whole organisation. Get into small groups and discuss your answers to these questions. Note similarities and differences - and also note how far your answers to the third and fourth questions overlap.

10 what do you love about your role?
what would you change about your role? what do you think is your role’s biggest benefit to your team? what do you think is your role’s biggest benefit to your wider organisation? your role’s biggest benefit to the whole organisation. Get into small groups and discuss your answers to these questions. Note similarities and differences - and also note how far your answers to the third and fourth questions overlap.

11 what do you love about your role?
what would you change about your role? what do you think is your role’s biggest benefit to your team? what do you think is your role’s biggest benefit to your wider organisation? your role’s biggest benefit to the whole organisation. Get into small groups and discuss your answers to these questions. Note similarities and differences - and also note how far your answers to the third and fourth questions overlap.

12 what do you love about your role?
what would you change about your role? what do you think is your role’s biggest benefit to your team? what do you think is your role’s biggest benefit to your wider organisation? your role’s biggest benefit to the whole organisation. Get into small groups and discuss your answers to these questions. Note similarities and differences - and also note how far your answers to the third and fourth questions overlap.






18 Take a new piece of paper and draw a box at the centre

19 This is you! YOU you!

20 YOU you!

21 Around it… YOU you!

22 …you are going to draw… YOU you!

23 …everyone you have a relationship with at work.

24 Everyone you interact with as part of your job.

25 And you’re going to connect them to you to show that relationship.

26 YOU you!

27 YOU you!

28 clients These people might be clients… YOU you!

29 clients …ICT support… YOU you! ICT

30 clients manager YOU you! ICT

31 clients manager your manager, the office cleaner… YOU you! cleaner ICT

32 clients manager YOU cleaner admin ICT you!
…your administrator or admin assistant… YOU you! cleaner admin ICT

33 clients manager …the Comms team… YOU you! cleaner admin comms ICT

34 Each role will vary. This is about you
Each role will vary. This is about you. Take your time and write down EVERY single role you interact with as part of your work. YOU you!

35 Now.. YOU

36 which relationships would

37 which relationships would
Which relationships would you like to strengthen… YOU like to strengthen?

38 which relationships would

39 which relationships would
…or change in other ways? Think for a moment about which you’d like to change and how. YOU like to change?

40 Now make a note on your diagram by writing along the line between you and the other person.

41 Okay! Get into pairs. YOU

42 with your partner, make a list of actions YOU can carry out
With your partner’s help, make a list of all the actions you could carry out to change the relationships as you would wish YOU can carry out

43 Okay! Get into pairs. YOU

44 Make sure these actions happen?
How can YOU Make sure these actions happen?

45 Okay! Get into pairs. YOU

46 decide when YOU will take action
Next to your list of actions, make a note of when you could take action YOU will take action

47 take one of those actions
tomorrow Now look at that list again. You are going to take one of those actions tomorrow. You decide which one - you can get your partner’s help or advice if you wish.

48 Now you’re going to tell the group which action you are going to take tomorrow.
decide which one now

49 Thanks for taking part Matt Finch
Now you’re going to tell the group which action you are going to take tomorrow.

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