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1-1 Nobody Fills My Heart Like Jesus

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2 1-1 Nobody Fills My Heart Like Jesus
602 1-1 Nobody Fills My Heart Like Jesus

3 1-2 Nobody Fills My Heart Like Jesus
602 1-2 Nobody Fills My Heart Like Jesus

4 1-3 Nobody Fills My Heart Like Jesus
602 1-3 Nobody Fills My Heart Like Jesus

5 C-1 Nobody Fills My Heart Like Jesus
602 C-1 Nobody Fills My Heart Like Jesus

6 C-2 Nobody Fills My Heart Like Jesus
602 C-2 Nobody Fills My Heart Like Jesus

7 C-3 Nobody Fills My Heart Like Jesus
602 C-3 Nobody Fills My Heart Like Jesus

8 C-4 Nobody Fills My Heart Like Jesus
602 C-4 Nobody Fills My Heart Like Jesus

9 2-1 Nobody Fills My Heart Like Jesus
602 2-1 Nobody Fills My Heart Like Jesus

10 2-2 Nobody Fills My Heart Like Jesus
602 2-2 Nobody Fills My Heart Like Jesus

11 2-3 Nobody Fills My Heart Like Jesus
602 2-3 Nobody Fills My Heart Like Jesus

12 C-1 Nobody Fills My Heart Like Jesus
602 C-1 Nobody Fills My Heart Like Jesus

13 C-2 Nobody Fills My Heart Like Jesus
602 C-2 Nobody Fills My Heart Like Jesus

14 C-3 Nobody Fills My Heart Like Jesus
602 C-3 Nobody Fills My Heart Like Jesus

15 C-4 Nobody Fills My Heart Like Jesus
602 C-4 Nobody Fills My Heart Like Jesus

16 He Gave Me A Song 608 1-1 He Gave Me A Song

17 He Gave Me A Song 608 1-2 He Gave Me A Song

18 He Gave Me A Song 608 1-3 He Gave Me A Song

19 He Gave Me A Song 608 C-1 He Gave Me A Song

20 He Gave Me A Song 608 C-2 He Gave Me A Song

21 He Gave Me A Song 608 C-3 He Gave Me A Song

22 He Gave Me A Song 608 2-1 He Gave Me A Song

23 He Gave Me A Song 608 2-2 He Gave Me A Song

24 He Gave Me A Song 608 2-3 He Gave Me A Song

25 He Gave Me A Song 608 C-1 He Gave Me A Song

26 He Gave Me A Song 608 C-2 He Gave Me A Song

27 He Gave Me A Song 608 C-3 He Gave Me A Song

28 He Gave Me A Song 608 3-1 He Gave Me A Song

29 He Gave Me A Song 608 3-2 He Gave Me A Song

30 He Gave Me A Song 608 3-3 He Gave Me A Song

31 He Gave Me A Song 608 C-1 He Gave Me A Song

32 He Gave Me A Song 608 C-2 He Gave Me A Song

33 He Gave Me A Song 608 C-3 He Gave Me A Song

34 1-1 Wonderful Merciful Savior

35 1-2 Wonderful Merciful Savior

36 2-1 Wonderful Merciful Savior

37 2-2 Wonderful Merciful Savior

38 C-1 Wonderful Merciful Savior

39 C-2 Wonderful Merciful Savior

40 3-1 Wonderful Merciful Savior

41 3-2 Wonderful Merciful Savior

42 C-1 Wonderful Merciful Savior

43 C-2 Wonderful Merciful Savior


45 On Bended Knee 791 1-1 On Bended Knee

46 On Bended Knee 791 1-2 On Bended Knee

47 On Bended Knee 791 1-3 On Bended Knee

48 On Bended Knee 791 2-1 On Bended Knee

49 On Bended Knee 791 2-2 On Bended Knee

50 On Bended Knee 791 2-3 On Bended Knee

51 Listen To Our Hearts 810 1-1 Listen to our Hearts

52 Listen To Our Hearts 810 1-2 Listen to our Hearts

53 Listen To Our Hearts 810 1-3 Listen to our Hearts

54 Listen To Our Hearts 810 C-1 Listen to our Hearts

55 Listen To Our Hearts 810 C-2 Listen to our Hearts

56 Listen To Our Hearts 810 C-3 Listen to our Hearts

57 Listen To Our Hearts 810 C-4 Listen to our Hearts

58 Listen To Our Hearts 810 2-1 Listen to our Hearts

59 Listen To Our Hearts 810 2-2 Listen to our Hearts

60 Listen To Our Hearts 810 2-3 Listen to our Hearts

61 Listen To Our Hearts 810 C-1 Listen to our Hearts

62 Listen To Our Hearts 810 C-2 Listen to our Hearts

63 Listen To Our Hearts 810 C-3 Listen to our Hearts

64 Listen To Our Hearts 810 C-4 Listen to our Hearts

65 Higher Ground 539 1-1 Higher Ground

66 Higher Ground 539 1-2 Higher Ground

67 Higher Ground 539 C-1 Higher Ground

68 Higher Ground 539 C-2 Higher Ground

69 Higher Ground 539 C-3 Higher Ground

70 Higher Ground 539 4-1 Higher Ground

71 Higher Ground 539 4-2 Higher Ground

72 Higher Ground 539 C-1 Higher Ground

73 Higher Ground 539 C-2 Higher Ground

74 Higher Ground 539 C-3 Higher Ground


76 Youth Group Area-Wide Tonight! @ Fairlane 6p.m. Everyone is invited!

77 Sign up for a Life Group in the foyer
Sign up for a Life Group in the foyer! Life Group Kick-Off Celebration Next Sunday at 4p.m. Sign up to bring sides and/or dessert

78 When Should We Be Quiet?

79 Average man speaks 15,669 words per day.

80 The average woman speaks 16,215 words per day.

81 Even a fool who keeps silent is considered wise; when he closes his lips, he is deemed intelligent.
Proverbs 17:28

82 If one gives an answer before he hears, it is his folly and shame.
Proverbs 18:13

83 How not to listen

84 Resist the urge to “one up” someone who is sharing their story with you.

85 Be willing to listen to someone else’s opinion on a “hot topic” without going on the defensive for your side.

86 Don’t respond with sarcasm to something someone else feels is important to say and share.

87 Don’t speak just to fill the silence.

88 Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others.  Philippians 2:3,4

89 Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus, who, though he was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped, but emptied himself, by taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men.  Philippians 2:5-7

90 And being found in human form, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross.  Philippians 2:8

91  Therefore God has highly exalted him and bestowed on him the name that is above every name, so that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father. Philippians 2:9-11

92 Humility is the key to good listening.

93 How can we become good listeners?

94 Reflective Listening

95 Emotional Mirroring Listening by identifying and empathizing with the other person’s emotions.

96 Find areas that you both agree upon and build from there.

97 Becoming and being a good listener will bring healing and strength to your relationships and may help you lead someone to Christ as they share their story with you.

98 Lord, I’m Coming Home 936 1-1 Lord I’m Coming Home

99 Lord, I’m Coming Home 936 1-2 Lord I’m Coming Home

100 Lord, I’m Coming Home 936 C Lord I’m Coming Home

101 Lord, I’m Coming Home 936 2-1 Lord I’m Coming Home

102 Lord, I’m Coming Home 936 2-2 Lord I’m Coming Home

103 Lord, I’m Coming Home 936 C Lord I’m Coming Home

104 Lord, I’m Coming Home 936 4-1 Lord I’m Coming Home

105 Lord, I’m Coming Home 936 4-2 Lord I’m Coming Home

106 Lord, I’m Coming Home 936 C Lord I’m Coming Home

107 Low in the Grave He Lay 344 1 Low in the Grave He Lay

108 C-1 Low in the Grave He Lay
344 C-1 Low in the Grave He Lay

109 C-2 Low in the Grave He Lay
344 C-2 Low in the Grave He Lay

110 C-3 Low in the Grave He Lay
344 C-3 Low in the Grave He Lay

111 Low in the Grave He Lay 344 2 Low in the Grave He Lay

112 C-1 Low in the Grave He Lay
344 C-1 Low in the Grave He Lay

113 C-2 Low in the Grave He Lay
344 C-2 Low in the Grave He Lay

114 C-3 Low in the Grave He Lay
344 C-3 Low in the Grave He Lay

115 Low in the Grave He Lay 344 3 Low in the Grave He Lay

116 C-1 Low in the Grave He Lay
344 C-1 Low in the Grave He Lay

117 C-2 Low in the Grave He Lay
344 C-2 Low in the Grave He Lay

118 C-3 Low in the Grave He Lay
344 C-3 Low in the Grave He Lay



121 1 More Precious Than Silver
273 1 More Precious Than Silver

122 2 More Precious Than Silver
273 2 More Precious Than Silver

123 Opt Tag More Precious Than Silver
273 Opt Tag More Precious Than Silver

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