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Professional Communication

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1 Professional Communication
TLD Subcommittee 12/1/ Copyright Rasmussen, Inc. Proprietary and Confidential

2 Student Communication Resource
Deliverable #1 12/1/ Copyright Rasmussen, Inc. Proprietary and Confidential

3 Breakdown Suggestions for communication Pause for the cause
Professional greeting Acknowledgement/thanking receiver for efforts Communicate message purpose Provide guidance to the make requests ensuring to include course referenced and specific assignment Closing remarks Professional closing 12/1/ Copyright Rasmussen, Inc. Proprietary and Confidential

4 Suggestions for communication
Provide a clear message (proofread) Attempt to be concise Utilize the same form of communication as the sender Use appropriate punctuation Provide an expected timeline for follow-up: Standard expectation is at least 48 hours Use appropriate language No profanity or text abbreviations Remember anyone can read communication once it has been sent Do not bold, underline or type in all caps 12/1/ Copyright Rasmussen, Inc. Proprietary and Confidential

5 Pause for the cause Each instructor has their own communication expectation, it is acceptable to ask the instructor’s preference. Attempt to detach emotion from the message. Consider waiting to send the message once feelings have settled. Pause and imagine the receiver’s perspective of the message. Would your message instigate a negative reaction? Read the message out loud to uncover any residual feelings. Recommend plausible solutions if you have any. Utilize course resources such as the syllabus, announcements and assignment instructions to help clarify the message. Remember learning is a shared accountability between the instructor and learner.

6 Professional greetings examples
Dear Mr./Ms./Dr. <last name>, Good morning (afternoon, day, or evening) Mr./Ms./Dr. <last name>, Hello Mr./Ms./Dr. <last name>, Not appropriate Use of instructor’s first name unless given prior approval Hey Not introducing yourself – if texting

7 Acknowledgement examples
I hope this finds you well… Thank you for all of your help throughout the quarter thus far… It has been a pleasure <provide a positive element here>… I have enjoyed <insert a specific item here>… Not appropriate “Cut to the chase”

8 Communicate message purpose
Can you clarify the improvement necessary for <module # assignment> in <course name and section #>? I am having difficulty with <specific concept> necessary for <module # assignment> in <course name and section #>. Can you provide with helpful resources to better understand the material? Are you available <specific date/time during faculty office hours> to connect over WebEx or phone to discuss <module # assignment> in <course name and section #>? I uploaded the wrong document for <module # assignment> in <course name and section #>, will you allow me to resubmit? Currently I am dealing with <specific issues> and am having difficulty meeting the deadline for <module # assignment> in <course name and section #>. Will you allow me a <# of days> extension past the due date to submit the work?

9 Closing remarks Thank you for your consideration.
I look forward to your response. I appreciate the time and attention on the matter. Your guidance is valued. Thank you! Please let me know if you have any question. Thank you! Thank you for your time. Not appropriate Leaving it off

10 Professional closing Sincerely, <your first and last name>
Respectfully , <your first and last name> Very respectfully, <your first and last name> Best regards (All Best), <your first and last name> Kind regards, <your first and last name> Not appropriates Truly yours Love

11 Example #1 John, The fact I told you while in the same week could have been up to your digressions But you give me an F grade all the hard work I can see if I did not turn it in at all but I did you could have taken points off not just give me a zero.! Wow how is that teaching seems like punishment I hope I never get you again, Sally Communication defects First name of instructor only No acknowledgement No course or assignment specifications Emotionally charged message/Angry tone Accuse teaching style Good Day Mr. Doe, I hope this finds you well. Currently I am dealing with a sick family member and am having difficulty meeting the deadline for module 2 assignment in Introduction to Literature Section 07. Will you allow me a 4 day extension past the due date to submit the work? Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Sally Smart Communication strengths Proper use of professional greeting and acknowledgement Clear, concise purpose of the message with assignment and course specifications Proper closing remarks with professional closing

12 Example #2 Help! I don’t get it. Hello Dr. Doe,
Communication defects No professional greeting No acknowledgement No course or assignment specifications No closing remarks or professional closing Hello Dr. Doe, Thank you for all of your help throughout the quarter thus far. I am having difficulty with interpreting the functions literary elements necessary for module 2 assignment in Introduction to Literature Section 07. Can you provide me with helpful resources to better understand the material? I look forward to your response. Best regards, Sally Smart Communication strengths Proper use of professional greeting and acknowledgement Clear, concise purpose of the message with assignment and course specifications Proper closing remarks with professional closing 12/1/ Copyright Rasmussen, Inc. Proprietary and Confidential

13 Example #3 Hey Apparently I missed the concept of the assignment, the directions was to locate and provide examples which I did, i actually wrote the materials quoting the story, you see how hard I have been working to pass this class but you constantly throwing zeros at me and quickly giving negative feedback, how can I pass your class! Communication defects No professional greeting No acknowledgement No course or assignment specifications Emotionally charged message/negative tone Improper grammar and lack of punctuation No closing remarks or professional closing Accuse teaching style Dear Mr. Doe, I have enjoyed the specific examples you have shared within the course announcements. Are you available Wednesday at 5 pm during your office hours to connect over WebEx or phone to discuss the module 2 assignment in Introduction to Literature Section 07? Thank you for your time. Respectfully, Sally Smart Communication strengths Proper use of professional greeting and acknowledgement Clear, concise purpose of the message with assignment and course specifications Proper closing remarks with professional closing 12/1/ Copyright Rasmussen, Inc. Proprietary and Confidential

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