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Operation Context and Use Case Focus Group

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Presentation on theme: "Operation Context and Use Case Focus Group"— Presentation transcript:

1 Operation Context and Use Case Focus Group
Kick-off Meeting April 26th, 2018

2 Agenda Purpose Deliverables Overview Roles / Responsibilities Schedule
Final review of SMES TFMS Flow Operational Context Use Case TFMS Flight Preview

3 Purpose Engage SWIFT Participants in the development of Operational Context and Use Case Documents Presentation of SWIFT deliverables SWIFT Participant feedback on Operational Context and Use Case Documents Participants will provided a comment sheet to input feedback Feedback will be due two weeks prior to next Focus Group meeting Structure of feedback and nature of questions to be answered is provided in this presentation Input from Participants on future Information Services to be covered: The type of additional information is needed Specific questions on data provided by next service (TFMS Flight Information Service)

4 Document Development Process
Consult Producer Program Gather all technical / operational material available Identify gaps in information and begin research process Develop draft Operational Context Document Review Operational Context Document with Focus Group Integrate feedback and publish documents on NSRR Operational Context Work with SMEs to develop initial Use Case storyboard Review storyboard with SWIFT Participants Develop draft Use Case Document Review Use Case Document with Focus Group Integrate feedback and publish documents on NSRR Use Case

5 Roles / Responsibilities
Focus Group Members: Attend monthly meetings Will be provided copies of the Operational Context and Use Case documents Review documents prior to Focus Group meetings Expectations of Focus Group Members: Provide feedback based on review questions and submit prior to next Focus Group meeting Determine what questions need to be answered for next information service to be reviewed

6 Approach Focus Group cadence for each meeting:
Review feedback from previous Use Case & Operational Context documents Overview of current Use Case and Operational Context document Preview of next Use Case and Operational Context storyboards April 2018 SMES Closeout TFMS Flow Docs TFMS Flight Storyboard May 2018 TFMS Flow Closeout TFMS Flight Docs TBFM Storyboard June 2018 TFMS Flight Closeout TBFM Docs SFDPS Flight Storyboard July 2018 TBFM Closeout SFDPS Flight Docs FNS Storyboard Aug. 2018 SFDPS Flight Closeout FNS Docs TAIS Storyboard Sept. 2018 FNS Closeout TAIS Docs SFDPS Airspace Storyboard Oct. 2018 TAIS Closeout SFDPS Airspace Docs ITWS Storyboard Nov. 2019 SFDPS Airspace Closeout ITWS Docs ADPS Storyboard Dec. 2018 ITWS Closeout ADPS Docs TFMS Status Storyboard Jan. 2019 ADPS Closeout TFMS Status Docs SFDPS General Storyboard Feb. 2019 TFMS Status Closeout SFDPS General Docs ISMC Storyboard March 2019 SFDPS General Closeout ISMC Docs

7 Surface Movement event service (SMES)

8 Airport Surface Position Report
Decomposing Surface Movement Event Service Airport Surface Position Report Flight ID AC Address AC ID AC Type Mode 3/A Code Flight Info. Target Type Wake Cat. Dep. / Arr. Runway Position Cart Coordinate Latitude Longitude Altitude Flight Level Movement Speed Heading Velocity Acceleration Status High Source Ground Status Data Quality Address Qualifier

9 SMES Functional Description Document
Intended to provide readers an understanding of: What data is available The context of the data available The structure of the data available The document is broken down into four sections: Introduction Defines the scope of the document Overview of Service Environment Describes the environment in which the services works Defines how the service is used by the FAA Overview of Service Functionality Describes general functional of service Lists both inputs into service and outputs of service into SWIM Provides high level breakdown of data model and organization Breakdown of Service Data Lists all available data elements from the service Defines locations of data element in overall data model Provides description of each data element

10 SMES Use Case Document Intended to provide readers an understanding of: Overview of how the SMES Information Service can be used to improve operations of major stakeholders (Airlines, Airports, Controllers). Detailed scenarios describing Use Cases in which the SMES data can be used by all identified stakeholders to enhanced operations. The document is broken down into four sections: Overview of the Use Case Provides an overview of the operations which can benefit from the SMES data. Breakdown of the actors involved in the Use Case and their responsibilities. The Current State Highlights how the SMES data is currently being used in operations. Problem Statement Identifies inefficiencies of current operations as they related to the use (or lack there of) of SMES data. Perspectives Breakdown of the current major and minor actors involved in the Use Case and their responsibilities for each phases of the Use Case. Provides insight into the operational constraints of each actor and how they measure the success of their operations. Future State / Metrics Provides detailed Future State Use Case providing alternate scenarios in which all actors utilizing SMES Data. Breaks down Future State Use Case into functional steps highlighting actions taken at each step, actors involved in each step, and any new functionality required to support Future State Use Case Identifies Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) which can be used to measure success of Future State Use Case Benefits / Conclusion Provides an overview of the intended benefits of the Future State Use Case. Identifies specific operational improvements which can be obtained through the holistic use of SMES data.

11 TFMS Flow Operational Context and Use Case Documents Overview

12 Relevant Definitions Service Data Service Business Service
A mechanism to enable access to one or more capabilities, where the access is provided using a prescribed interface Data Service A service which provides access to source data Business Service Business function or capability offered as a service Functionality delivered to business/operational decision-makers Information Service A service which provides tailored access to data or information defined by a set of user configurable rules

13 Sourcing Traffic Flow Information Service
Goal is to develop a common understanding of the data Data analysis will include traceability of data Includes discussion on how data is used in the NAS

14 Traffic Flow Information Service
Service Description Flow Information is data that describes the TFM initiatives that are created, updated, or deleted from the system. Flow Information is created by TFM users; the information is used by TFMS to monitor capacity, to assist in controlling capacity of the system, or to describe characteristics of the system. Flow information provides a shared state of TFMS with authorized users in support of situational awareness and potentially to be used by CDM users in their own automation and research activities. Users consuming Flow Information have the ability to construct a dataset (or database) consistent with TFMS. Service Interface: Publish/Subscribe via JMS Message Name Description AFP Advisory Initial/Update Airspace Flow Program Message. AFP Cancel Cancel Airspace Flow Program Message. AFP Compression Initial/Update GDP/UDP Compression Message. Airport Config Message The airport configuration report. CDM Update Data TMI related data messages. CTOP Cancel Cancel Message. CTOP Definition Initial/Update CTOP Message. Deicing Message Deicing report. ERAM Amendment Status Update Details of the flights last ERAM amendment request. FADT Broadcast FADT Broadcast - R13 preferred way of communicating creations, updates, cancellations of AFP,GDP, and GS programs. FEA/FCA Initial/Update/Cancel FEA/FCA Message. FOS Data FOS Flow Information output. FEA/FCA Secondary Filters Delete Initial/Update FEA/FCA secondary filters delete. Filters Update Initial/Update FEA/FCA secondary filters update. GDP Advisory Initial/Update GDP/UDP Message. GDP Blanket Initial/Update GDP/UDP Blanket Message. Message Name Description GDP Cancel Cancel GDP/UDP Message. GDP Compression Initial/Update GDP/UDP Compression Message. General Advisory General Advisory Message. GS Advisory Initial/Update GS Message. GS Cancel Cancel GS Message. AFP/GDP Update Air Flow Program (AFP) or Ground Delay Program (GDP) TMI parameter create/update. Blanket Update AFP/GDP Blanket parameters create or update for TMI. Compression Update AFP/GDP Compression parameter update or create TMI. Delete Parameter delete for Fuel Advisory Delay TMI. GS Update Ground Stop (GS) TMI parameter create/update. RAPT Timeline Message The RAPT Timeline data. Reroute Initial/Update/Cancel Reroute Message. Restriction Message The restriction report. TMI Flight Data List General flight data for flights associated with any TMI or monitored airports.

15 New Reality Based on New Information Service
AOC receives timely information on: Potential TMIs GDPs Airport Deicing Status Route Availability AOC responds proactively to reorganize ground resources based updated info AOC is able to reallocate ground resources based on accurate flight and delay information Airport staff are able to better plan for identified delays Surface congestion is minimized AOC receives updates on reroutes, ATCSCC advisories, and FCA/FEA Reroutes and delays are communicated immediately Departure Arrival Future State Slide intended to show what happens with getting access to data What does ATC/AOC operations look like, generally, with access to this new data Slide shows how the information service, with all the data elements, is now available and what the implications are It may be of value to coordinate this slide with a producer Pre-Flight Push Back / Taxiing Out Take-off / Departure Cruise / Enroute / Oceanic Approach Landing / Taxiing In

16 TFMS – Flow Operational Context
Introduction Describes the purpose of the document and the scope it covers Provides an overview of TFMS system and the information it produces TFMS Flow Overview Provides detailed descriptions of message categories produced by TFMS in the Flow data feed TMIs GDP AFP Reroute CTOP Other Constraints

17 TFMS – Flow Operational Context Cont.
TFMS Flow Message Types Provides itemized breakdown of each data element in all message along with a description of the information provided AfpAdvisory afpCancel afpCompression generalAdvisory gdpAdvisory gdpCancel gdpBlanket gdpCompression gsAdvisory gsCancel feaFca reroute ctopDefinition ctopCancel deicingMessage restrictionMessage airportConfigMessage raptTimelineMessage

18 Operational Context Review Questions
Does document provide sufficient background on: How the information can be utilized by your organization? How data that makes up information service is used by ATC? Do message descriptions provide enough detail to: Understand what information they provide? The context in which the message is generated? Does data element breakdown provide sufficient description of: Information provided in the data element? How the information relates to the larger message? Are there any questions not answered? *ACTION: Review document, answer questions above, and provide feedback prior to next meeting

19 TFMS – Flow Use Case Introduction Current State
Describes purpose of document Introduces TFMS Flow information with overview of how it is used Provides and overview of the Use Case presented in document Current State Introduces problem statement Focuses on the lack of common situational awareness between ATC and AOC Describes the different perspectives from each of the actors (Dispatchers, Pilots, Airline Ops, Airline Hub, Airport Operator, and ATC)

20 TFMS – Flow Use Case Cont.
Future State Introduces possible future scenario in which both ATC and AOC are operating under a common situational awareness Focuses on advance notice of TMIs and other flow measures Provides metrics where current inefficacies can be measure, and thus where improvements can be measures Describes benefits of AOC use of TFMS Flow data

21 Use Case Review Questions
Does the Use Case present an accurate scenario? Are the benefits presented: Achievable? Realistic? Is the level of detail sufficient? Does the document link the data available from the high-lighted service to achievable benefits? Are there any questions not answered? *ACTION: Review document, answer questions above, and provide feedback prior to next meeting

22 TFMS Flight Preview

23 Decomposition of TFMS Flight Data Elements
Traffic Flow Management Service – Flight Information Flight International Terminal Flight Plan Data Departure and Arrival time notifications Flight cancellations Boundary crossings Track position reports NCSM information Filed flight plan Flight plan amendment Flight arrival notification Flight departure notification Flight plan cancellation Departure delay notification Flight track position report Oceanic track position report Notification that no additional reports will be received for a flight Target times for movement area entry Off-block time Take-off time Projected wheels-up time

24 Problem Statement Departure Arrival ATC Perspective Departure Arrival
Aircraft departs on Time ATC is receiving live updates on aircraft while AOC experiences a delay in obtaining current information Updated arrival times are continual created based on factors affecting flight Aircraft arrives per time predicted by ATC Departure Arrival ATC Perspective Aircraft departs on Time AOC receives delayed information from ATC and may not be aware of updated arrival times Aircraft arrives as later then planned AOC works to reallocate ground resources to handle late aircraft Backup on taxiway due to unplanned congestion in non movement area causes delay on ground Goal is to have engaged discussion around the problem to determine root cause Want to engage the producer to help reflect a common understanding of the problem we’re seeking to solve Departure Arrival AOC Perspective Pre-Flight Push Back / Taxiing Out Take-off / Departure Cruise / Enroute / Oceanic Approach Landing / Taxiing In

25 New Reality Based on New Information Service
AOC is able to reallocate ground resources as needed based on accurate flight information Airport staff are able to better plan for identified delays Surface congestion is minimized AOC receives continuously updated schedule route and aircraft position data Delay information is communicated live as it happens Aircraft pushes back AOC receives notification of aircraft pushback AOC receives departure times Departure Arrival Future State Slide intended to show what happens with getting access to data What does ATC/AOC operations look like, generally, with access to this new data Slide shows how the information service, with all the data elements, is now available and what the implications are It may be of value to coordinate this slide with a producer Pre-Flight Push Back / Taxiing Out Take-off / Departure Cruise / Enroute / Oceanic Approach Landing / Taxiing In

26 Future State: Future NAS Operations
Once flight pushes, information continually shared so all users have same updated data Airline schedules & flight plan information will be continuously updated via SWIM with current schedule, route and aircraft position data and sent to Airspace Users/ airports Collaboration with ATC will be improved because Airspace Users, Airport and ANSP all have the same accurate picture to manage resources As changes occur during flight, updates continue to be shared with Airspace Users & airports Airspace Users planning for gate usage, fleet management, crew resources is improved with precise arrival data Airport planning will improve with current operations picture for traffic using airport Slide intended to show what happens with getting access to data, as it pertains to the specific operation we’re talking about This describes the operation in the future, now with access to data

27 Benefits of Improved Traffic Flow Flight Information
Sharing flight information data with all stakeholders will allow Airspace Users and airports to know precisely when aircraft will depart/arrive, enabling: Improved decision making concerning aircraft fuel efficiency Improved diversion management Improved gate management Improved flight crew management Improved ground crew management Improved delay management Improved fleet management Improved customer experience Improved TFM system performance Improved airport effectiveness This slide is intended to identify the anticipated benefits associated with our understanding of the solution Goal is to identify some way to validate the magnitude of the improvement seen with the benefit Intent of this slide is to validate these and identify whether there are additional benefits not identified here

28 Backup

29 References SWIFT Focus Group Website SMES Operational Context Document
SMES Operational Context Document SMES Use Case Document TFMS Flow – Operational Context Document TFMS Flight – Use Case Document Presentation / Comment Sheet Contacts Stuart Wilson Felisa White

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