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Religious Education Maths English Character Curriculum Daily Mile STEM

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1 Religious Education Maths English Character Curriculum Daily Mile STEM
Through our RE lessons we will be answering; Why do Christians call Jesus Saviour? and What does the Christmas story tell Christians about Jesus? Maths Maths this half term will feature: Telling the time from a clock face, including o’clock, half past, quarter past and quarter to and beginning 5 minute intervals; Consolidation of addition and subtraction strategies, including problem solving; An introduction to multiplication and division strategies and Recognising amounts of money. English Our first key text is How to Hide a Lion at School by Helen Stephens. This is a story about a girl who takes a lion to school. The lion sneaks along on a school trip and causes chaos, but everythin is alright in the end. The children will write their own story about an animal hiding on a school trip. The second key text is Could a Penguin Ride a Bike? This is a non-fiction text that presents facts about penguins through a range of amusing questions. The children will write their own non-fiction text about a different animal. Character Curriculum This half term we will be exploring the virtues of courage, kindness and reflection. Year 2 Autumn Term 1 Topic: Great Fire of London Big Question: What were the causes and effects of the Great Fire of London? Wow Start: Weald & Downland Trip Fantastic finish: London’s Burning... Daily Mile The aim of The Daily Mile is to improve the physical, social, emotional and mental health and wellbeing of our children. Children are physically active (run, jog or walk) for 15 mins a day. STEM In Science, children will be learning about the properties of different materials, linked to the construction of the houses destroyed in the Great Fire of London. Additionally, Computing lessons will continue to be coding based as well as developing other IT related skills. Topic The children move to a more History focused topic, looking at the effects of the Great Plague, leading into a study of the Great Fire of London. P.E. Year 2 will have two P.E. sessions a week. One of these will be from our new realPE scheme, which will focus on developing the children’s Social skills. They will also have a unit of Gymnastics/Dance.

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