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Adjectives By Moises Gonzalez.

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Presentation on theme: "Adjectives By Moises Gonzalez."— Presentation transcript:

1 Adjectives By Moises Gonzalez

2 An adjective is a word that describes a noun.

3 An adjective can tell what kind or how many.

4 What kind blind happy interesting Pitbull Jeremy Lusk curly hairy
Metal Mulisha

5 How many many some three ten miles old

6 Five sentences that tell what kind.
I have a big bearded dragons. My uncle has a brown pitbull named buddy. I have a green iguana. I have a yellow snakes. I have a tiny kitty cat.

7 Five sentences that tell how many.
I have a ton of brothers. I have many dogs. I have two older sisters. I have miles of snakes. I have a lot of wild lizards that are dead.

8 Describe the picture below with adjectives.
this is a big yellow fish that survied

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