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1 © Jean Slatter
Secret Power of Wants Mod 4 Wk 15 Vid 1 © Jean Slatter

2 How do we Create? ... you cannot not create!
God is a creator of experience and we are following in the energetic footprints. You are a creator – whether you know it or not – whether you are conscious about it or not. ... you cannot not create! We are creators of experience so even doing nothing is an experience! © Jean Slatter

3 © Jean Slatter
How do we Create? But the questions your clients will have are ... How can I become a more deliberate creator? Why do some of my intentions easily manifest and others never do? Why do I fall back into old patterns? Is it possible to truly make lasting changes to my patterns? © Jean Slatter

4 Four Cornerstones of Creation
diagram 02:28 all 4 stones set the intention; clear the path; playfulness; trust and faith © Jean Slatter

5 Set the Intention The Secret Power of Wants can help set the intention
As a creator, you must decide what you want. The Secret Power of Wants can help set the intention © Jean Slatter

6 © Jean Slatter
Clear the Path You are going to learn modalities to figure out where your boulders are and how to clear them. © Jean Slatter

7 © Jean Slatter
Playfulness Playfulness is about being unattached to your creations. Be like a child that just loves to play! © Jean Slatter

8 © Jean Slatter
Trust and Faith Faith comes in when you make a choice to believe that the highest and greatest good is always happening. Faith is always a choice because you don’t know. © Jean Slatter

9 © Jean Slatter
Set the Intention This will come up for your clients often because of the fact that we are creators. Our will or intention is what begins the movement of energy towards the fruition of a creation. © Jean Slatter

10 © Jean Slatter
Set the Intention Often times, there will be unknown issues right out of the gate with this one. What you are going to learn next is the missing step that is absolutely crucial to manifesting our goals. © Jean Slatter

11 Set the Intention The Higher Guidance Way to Unleash
In fact, you are going to learn: The Higher Guidance Way to Unleash The Secret Power of Wants © Jean Slatter

12 Set the Intention Surprising Message from Guidance:
What do we need to do here? Surprising Message from Guidance: “Forget about what they need to do; find out what they want ... because in the end they’re only going to do what they want to do anyway!” © Jean Slatter

13 Secret Power of Wants Knowing what you want should be
second nature ... but the symptoms of not knowing are everywhere: constantly changing directions moving from one idea to another wandering uncertainty unable to make a decision © Jean Slatter

14 © Jean Slatter
Secret Power of Wants Knowing what you want is essential to manifesting. However, a lot of the time we are unaware that we are operating on conditioned wants. We are inadvertently programmed by society, parents, and peers. Often times, we also do what “sounds good.” © Jean Slatter

15 Secret Power of Wants “Is this really what I want?”
We’re not taught to take the time and ask ourselves: “Is this really what I want?” © Jean Slatter

16 © Jean Slatter
Secret Power of Wants If you have an underlying feeling of angst when you are trying to bring your desires to manifestation, this is an invitation from your Higher Guidance to go in deeper and find out what it is you really want. © Jean Slatter

17 Secret Power of Wants Promise
The Secret Power of Wants will: Connect you with your ultimate expert. Provide tools to discover what you want. Show you how to custom design your beliefs. Give you methods to attain what you want. Mod 4 Wk 15 Vid 2 © Jean Slatter

18 Secret Power of Wants Promise
The Secret Power of Wants will give you direction and clarity: Implicit within this journey of life is the unbridled permission to lead a creative life. The Secret Power of Wants is a message of freedom surrounding the astonishing creative force of wanting. It encourages you to delve into your heart and reach out to your soul to discover what you truly want! © Jean Slatter

19 Secret Power of Wants What is this “want” energy?
(this definition came directly from Higher Guidance) Wants are a force driven by the soul’s and body’s desire to know something or observe the effects of something through the physical senses, i.e.; sensation, seeing, hearing, touching, feeling, tasting, smelling, feeling emotion, autonomy, inspiration … all and every possibility of sensing. In other words, senses that require a physical body to experience. © Jean Slatter

20 Secret Power of Wants From the moment you’re born you’ve got wants © Jean Slatter

21 Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs: © Jean Slatter
Secret Power of Wants Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs: Physiological Safety Love and Belonging Esteem Self-actualization © Jean Slatter

22 © Jean Slatter
Secret Power of Wants Higher Guidance says … “We are not driven by needs, we are driven by wants” In fact, needs don’t exist until there is a want. Out of God’s want to experience, we need to exist. © Jean Slatter

23 © Jean Slatter

24 © Jean Slatter

25 © Jean Slatter

26 © Jean Slatter
Secret Power of Wants There was a desire first; that desire then dictated what needed to happen. © Jean Slatter

27 Secret Power of Wants Needs don’t exist until there is a want © Jean Slatter

28 Secret Power of Wants Needs are the things you have to do in order to get what you want. (sorry Maslow – we’re driven by wants, not needs) © Jean Slatter

29 Secret Power of Wants This is a recipe for self sabotage.
Knowing what you want is the crucial ingredient for goal setting. Goal setting assumes you already know what you want. This is a recipe for self sabotage. Many of your goals don’t manifest, because the truth of it is, you really don’t want to do it. © Jean Slatter

30 Secret Power of Wants The Problems with Wants:
First and foremost is the problem that you don’t know what you want. Old programming from childhood Conditioning from society and media What sounds good © Jean Slatter

31 Secret Power of Wants The Problems with Wants:
Wanting something is selfish. Wants can be confused with greed and envy. It brings up the Responsibility Dilemma. Aren’t you supposed to leave it up to God to tell you what you want? (God can’t experience through you, until you make a decision) © Jean Slatter

32 Secret Power of Wants Wantphobia: “Be careful what you wish for …
you just might get it!” It brings up the fear that you might be wrong. Then there’s the scarcity fear. There’s the fear about sending out the wrong energy. (information from Law of Attraction) © Jean Slatter

33 Secret Power of Wants Wanting is Essential! Because you are a creator!
Want energy is the only driving force. Conscious or unconscious, whether you realize it or not, you are always driven by the want energy. Because you are a creator! Without desire there is no creation. Mod 4 Wk 15 Vid 3 © Jean Slatter

34 Secret Power of Wants Wanting is Essential!
Guidance says, “Seed your desires!” As a creator, wanting is something you must do! © Jean Slatter

35 Secret Power of Wants Step #1: Identify What You Want
Becoming WantWise Confined versus Conceptual wants Confined wants are boxed in and limited. A “confined want” is one where you have specific requests that are too confined and may interfere with getting what you actually want. “Conceptual wants” are mentally constructed ideas that are more broad in nature. © Jean Slatter

36 © Jean Slatter
Secret Power of Wants In the story Laurie told, she didn’t have a confined want, so to make up an example, we could change what she said about needing a break into … “What I want is to be left alone for 3 days.” That would be a confined want, that may not have given her what she really desired which, conceptually, was to get a break from all the demands. © Jean Slatter

37 Secret Power of Wants Step #1: Identify What You Want Wisdom Factor
Wisdom cannot be taught. Wisdom comes from experience. Dowse on a scale from or a simple “yes, no” to see “Do I have the wisdom to know what I want in this situation?” Often times, we go through life figuring out what we don’t want! © Jean Slatter

38 Secret Power of Wants Step #1: Identify What You Want Wisdom Factor
Ask: “Do I have the wisdom to know what I want in this situation?” If you don’t have the wisdom, you can ask, “What are the things I can do to start exploring this?” “What if … ?” © Jean Slatter

39 Secret Power of Wants Step #1: Identify What You Want
Hitting Rock Bottom We finally now have the wisdom that we need to turn it around and know exactly how to proceed from there. © Jean Slatter

40 Secret Power of Wants Step #1: Identify What You Want
Dealing with Conflicting Wants Go to the higher want and turn that want into a need. (want to have friends over spontaneously, so need to clean house so you can do that) You can’t make wants, but you can make needs from wants. © Jean Slatter

41 Secret Power of Wants Step #1: Identify What You Want
Hierarchy of Wants If you keep tracing back wants, you’ll uncover your core wants. Get in touch with what you want at your foundation. What it is that has to be fulfilled. © Jean Slatter

42 Secret Power of Wants Step #2: Custom Design Your Set of Beliefs
Beliefs are not as scary as we’ve been led to believe. Changing a belief is as easy as changing your mind! AMAG says, “Each and every day you are a clean slate.” Mod 4 Wk 15 Vid 4 © Jean Slatter

43 Secret Power of Wants Are you chained to your beliefs?
You can change your beliefs simply by changing your mind. © Jean Slatter

44 Secret Power of Wants Step #2: Custom Design Your Set of Beliefs
Ontology (the study of the existence of being): We come up with our conclusion first, and then we selectively pick out experiences that prove we’re right. Out of the unlimited potential of experience, the only ones we end up seeing are the ones that confirm we are right. © Jean Slatter

45 © Jean Slatter
Secret Power of Wants © Jean Slatter

46 Secret Power of Wants Step #2: Custom Design Your Set of Beliefs
The Maze of Beliefs: Think of the walls of the maze as your beliefs. There’s either a clear path to get to your “cheese” or you may have to take a circuitous route or maybe your route is blocked altogether. In some way, you have to navigate through the walls of your beliefs to get to your “cheese”. © Jean Slatter

47 Secret Power of Wants Step #2: Custom Design Your Set of Beliefs
The Maze of Beliefs: You’re going to reprogram your foundational supporting beliefs. In order to do that, you’re going to go up in an elevator. © Jean Slatter

48 Secret Power of Wants Find the list of Foundational Beliefs
in your Reference Materials. Read and finish each statement i.e., “I am willing to be healthy” Now dowse, and see if that statement is true or false for you (or your client). We’ll reprogram the ones that are “false”. © Jean Slatter

49 Secret Power of Wants Elevator Meditation
(some meditation music would be great here) Close your eyes. Take some deep breaths. Feel yourself becoming very relaxed. Mod 4 Wk 15 Vid 5 © Jean Slatter

50 Secret Power of Wants Elevator Meditation
Out of the corner of your eye, I want you to notice an elevator. This elevator has a button for the top floor. © Jean Slatter

51 Secret Power of Wants Elevator Meditation
Step into the elevator, press the button that will take you to the very top floor of your consciousness. Once the doors open, you’ll be greeted by someone. Let me know when you’re there. © Jean Slatter

52 Secret Power of Wants Elevator Meditation
Ask the person who is greeting you to take you to the computer room where you will have access to your entire software code – where all of your beliefs are held. Once you’re in the computer room, pick out a technician that you would like to work with, and let me know when you are there. © Jean Slatter

53 Secret Power of Wants Elevator Meditation
Ask the computer specialist or technician to pull up on the computer screen the belief that says: (for example) “I don’t know what needs to be done in order to be healthy” © Jean Slatter

54 Secret Power of Wants Elevator Meditation
Now, have the technician take out the belief that says: (for example) “I don’t know what needs to be done in order to be healthy” and replace it with: “I easily know what needs to be done in order to be healthy.” © Jean Slatter

55 Secret Power of Wants Elevator Meditation
Continue through your list of “false” and repeat. Now, thank your technician! Walk back over to the elevator, and push the button to come back down. When you arrive, you can just open your eyes. © Jean Slatter

56 Secret Power of Wants Elevator Meditation
Now you will selectively choose experiences that prove your new beliefs. You have custom designed a set of beliefs that will support you in what you want. How cool is that!! © Jean Slatter

57 Secret Power of Wants Elevator Meditation
Recheck! Go through each of the Foundational Belief statements that were “No”, state them in the positive and see if it’s right. Repeat if necessary. © Jean Slatter

58 Secret Power of Wants Elevator Meditation
One thing you can do to solidify it is make affirmations for the statements on which you get a “No” answer. This helps because sometimes old ways of thinking can “die hard.” Dowse to see what to say and how often. (once you become familiar with the process, you won’t even need to go up in the elevator) © Jean Slatter

59 Secret Power of Wants Elevator Meditation
After you have retested your beliefs and written your affirmations, you can ask with your pendulum, “Are there any other blocks in the way of my most direct path to getting the “cheese?” Are there any other beliefs that are not in the foundational set that are standing in my way? © Jean Slatter

60 Secret Power of Wants Elevator Meditation
The most common are: Identity Blocks (you may identify with being a sick person) (visual of kitten looking into a mirror and seeing a lion) Addictions need to be addressed more completely through a process of exploration. (there are physical issues with addictions as well as beliefs) Also, who will I be without this belief? © Jean Slatter

61 © Jean Slatter

62 Secret Power of Wants Set Your Goals Step #3:
What you need to do in order to get what you want. Make goals that are “horizon goals.” Make sure your goals are achievable. You’ll want to come up with an action plan. Be accountable. Have a backup plan. Mod 4 Wk 15 Vid 6 © Jean Slatter

63 © Jean Slatter
Secret Power of Wants Step #1: Find Out What You Really Want Step #2: Custom Design Your Beliefs Step #3: Determine Your Goals © Jean Slatter

64 Actual process with Laurie on video © Jean Slatter
Secret Power of Wants (starts at time 5:15) Actual process with Laurie on video © Jean Slatter

65 Four Cornerstones of Creation © Jean Slatter
The Imbalance is in: Knowing How to Create Four Cornerstones of Creation Set the Intention © Jean Slatter

66 Secret Power of Wants Step #1: Find Out What You Really Want Step #2:
Custom Design Your Beliefs Step #3: Determine Your Goals And that’s how you unleash the Secret Power of Wants © Jean Slatter

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