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Toward an Ontology-Driven Architectural Framework for B2B E. Kajan, L

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1 Toward an Ontology-Driven Architectural Framework for B2B E. Kajan, L
Toward an Ontology-Driven Architectural Framework for B2B E. Kajan, L. Stoimenov, Communication of The ACM, Vol. 48, No. 12, December 2005 석사 2차 지 애 띠

2 Outline Introduction A Brief Overview of Existing Frameworks B2BOOM :
A B2B Ontology-Driven Framework Conclusion

3 Introduction B2B may be defined as… But…
E-Commerce between two or more business partners via the third wave of EC where the interactions among a very wide range of organizations should be handled seamlessly and dynamically without problems in ad hoc integrations. But… When some business entities is going to join EC environment and make B2B relation, a heterogeneous environment where much dissimilarity among them will be found.

4 Introduction Figure 1. The requirements for B2B interoperability (P = portability; S = scalability; I = interoperability)

5 Introduction Security & Openness Portability Scalability
Interoperability Communication interoperability Syntactic interoperability Semantic interoperability

6 Overview of Existing Frameworks
To bridge the problem with heterogeneity, It is common to define the middleware and put it into a generic template known as a framework. It consist of several B2B-oriented standardized protocols. If a middleware tends to reach full B2B interoperability, It must cover both the content and semantics issue. At a content layer, BE should agree on data format, data model and languages, and can bind their business messages to specific transport protocols. Adding semantic interoperability, it is to support conversation between BE in order not to be needed or to minimized human interventions.

7 Overview of Existing Frameworks
Table 1. Some major attributes of the existing frameworks.

8 Overview of Existing Frameworks
WSMF (Web Service Modeling Framework) This aims to provide an industry-scale framework for semantic Web Service discovery, execution and composition. Complementary principles : strong decoupling of the various components that realize B2B application, and strong mediation service that should allow full B2B communications between BEs. Main elements : Ontologies, Goal repositories, Web Service descriptions, and Mediator WSMO is the recent extension of this framework.

9 B2BOOM B2B Ontology-Oriented Middleware : An interoperable open framework for EC. Communication interoperability : HTTP, SOAP Syntactic interoperability : XML Semantic interoperability The ability to share information an the application level, without knowing or understanding the terminology of other systems. The representation of the semantics is a part of the metadata. Each B2B BE contains a B2B application, a local ontology, and corresponding DB.

10 B2BOOM Semantic interoperability
The B2BOOM solution of semantic heterogeneity is to specify the meaning of terminology of each BE using a local ontology, and to define a translation between each BE terminology (local ontology) and an intermediate terminology (in the top-level ontology). OWL-S (Ontology Web Language for Web Service) is used to describe an ontology. Translator/Wrapper converts requests to the local data model at the destination BE’s application. Mediator converts queries to requests using the common model and top-level ontology. Shared server contains all shared/common data, information about registered BEs and their access rights.

11 B2BOOM Figure 2. The integration platform in B2BOOM for ontology-based B2B interoperability.

12 Conclusion Semantic interoperability appears to be an essential attribute for bridging heterogeneous environments. It may allow flexible mediation between business partners on a conceptual basis. The Internet and Web are changed into a distributed multiprocessor machine making the contents. Much more productive than a S/W integration, it may make BEs save money and time.

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