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Accredited Standards Committee C63® - EMC

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1 Accredited Standards Committee C63® - EMC
SC6 Accreditation / Conformity Assessment Randy Long SC6 Chair November 11, 2015

2 Accredited Standards Committee C63® - EMC
SC6 Scope, duties & membership – Spring Meeting Working Group Reports Liaison Reports AB Reports Review of Action Items

3 Accredited Standards Committee C63® - EMC
Scope The scope was reviewed and no changes were proposed. Subcommittee 6 is responsible for providing a resource for laboratory assessment activities. It works on many aspects related to laboratories, regulators and accreditation bodies. Representatives of the accreditation bodies, laboratories, and regulators are invited to give a report on the status of EMC testing and calibration activities.

4 Accredited Standards Committee C63® - EMC
Membership Report (changes highlighted)

5 Accredited Standards Committee C63® - EMC
Working Group Reports WG4 C63.8 Calibration of EMC Test Equipment Regular Webex meetings Face to face meeting in Boulder New WG chair / vice chair selected Goal to send to SC ballot by Fall 2019

6 Accredited Standards Committee C63® - EMC
Liaison Reports Received verbal report from FCC Received verbal report from ISED

7 Accredited Standards Committee C63® - EMC
AB Status Reports Received presentation from ANAB Received presentation from A2LA Received presentation from NVLAP (PJLA has been invited to attend but has not responded) Two presentations are attached and all will be available in the SC6 members area

8 Accredited Standards Committee C63® - EMC
Action Item Summary Action Item # Subject Responsible Person Status Deliverable Date Comments AI-3: Victor K. to an outline of the draft C63.8 to the Subcommittee within seven days for comment Victor Kuczynski Closed 18NOV2015 Open AI-3 Revised AI-6: Correct Mr. Hodes affiliation on website. Randy Long 11NOV15 Via AI-7: Mr. Long to ask Steve Jones if he could become a member of SC6 12NOV15 AI-8: Mr. Long to request that Mr. Zimmerman be added to WG4 roster. AI-9: Mr. Long to notify the working group members of the decision to suspend C63.11

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