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AKS 32 – Ancient Greece.

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1 AKS 32 – Ancient Greece

2 * warm-up Activity * The Rise of Democracy
Ancient Greece * warm-up Activity * The Rise of Democracy Suppose that you are on a sports team that is one play away from winning a game. Which of the following options do you think is the best way to choose the final play of the game? Have the coach or the assistant coach choose the final play. Have the three most talented players choose the final play. Have the three oldest players choose the final play. Have the most popular player choose the final play. Have all the team members choose the final play. Put a check in the box next to your choice above. In the space on your worksheet, EXPLAIN the reasons for your choice.  Monarchy  Oligarchy  Aristocracy  Tyranny  Democracy

3 * Introduction * Geography affected how settlements developed in Ancient Greece. Isolated communities, separated from each other by steep mountains, grew in diverse ways. For example, differences arose in how people governed themselves. In this activity, you will learn about the various forms of government in these ancient Greek communities. The Ancient Greeks had many things in common. For example, they spoke the same language. But the Greek people did not view Greece as one country. Rather, they identified with a hometown that they called their “city.” Each of these cities included both a settlement and its surrounding farmland.

4 * Introduction * Most Greeks were fiercely proud of their cities. Each city had its own laws, its own army, and its own form of money. For these reasons, ancient Greek cities are called city-states. The ancient Sumerians in Mesopotamia were the first people to form city-states. Like the Sumerian city-states, individual Greek city-states had their own form of government. In this activity, you will explore the five forms of government that developed in the Greek city-states: Monarchy, Aristocracy, Oligarchy, Tyranny, and Democracy. You will also trace how one form of rule led to another, until the Greeks eventually developed democracy.

5 * Introduction Activity *
What did the Ancient Greeks from isolated communities have in common with each other? Did the Ancient Greeks think of themselves as belonging to one country? Why or why not? In what ways were Ancient Greek city-states different from each other?

6 EXTRA CREDIT POINTS Oh yeah….. I forgot to mention…..
Since you were guys have been pretty good so far this semester…. I’ve decided to allow you to earn EXTRA CREDIT POINTS During today’s activity!!! You can apply the points you earn on ANY assignment (except the test) so far this semester!

7 Any suggestions on how I should award the EXTRA CREDIT POINTS???




11 * TYRANNY *


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