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Please make note of emergency exits and take a moment to review emergency procedures in the Summit App.

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Presentation on theme: "Please make note of emergency exits and take a moment to review emergency procedures in the Summit App."— Presentation transcript:


2 Please make note of emergency exits and take a moment to review emergency procedures in the Summit App.


4 Remove all instructional slides from final presentation.
Instructions: If you are using Polling in your presentation, follow instructions on slide # 5. If you are not using Polling, go to slide # 7. Remove all instructional slides from final presentation.

5 Are You Using Polling in Your Presentation?
YES… In your PowerPoint file, add slide # 6 titled “Audience Response System (ARS)” to indicate where in your PowerPoint presentation you would like the polling question to be displayed. On the slide, make sure the question and response(s) are shown. If you have more than one polling question in your presentation, copy and insert the Audience Response System (ARS)” slide and place it where you want the question/response to display in your presentation. Upload Final PowerPoint Presentation to Presentation Management Site - CoreNet Global will provide the upload link, username and password to the primary speaker who will be responsible for uploading the team’s presentation. Once your presentation is uploaded to Presentation Management Site, click on the “Set ARS Mode” button and answer “YES” that there are polling questions in your presentation. If you do not have the poll question, poll response(s), and Set ARS Mode completed 4 hours prior to your presentation, polling will not be available in the presentation. Freeman (A/V Partner) will program the questions and lock your profile so you aren’t able to load over the programmed slides. During your presentation, when you arrive at your PowerPoint question slide simply read the question and possible choices to your audience and then advance to the polling slide. The poll will open, give your audience time to respond, (you will see the responses populating) discuss the results, then advance the slide when you are ready to continue your presentation. Have Questions? Alan Crofoot with Freeman A/V:

6 Audience Response System (ARS)
Poll Question: Poll Response(s):

7 Are You Using Polling in Your Presentation?
NO… Delete slides 4 – 7 from your PowerPoint presentation. Upload your presentation to Presentation Management. Once your presentation is uploaded to Presentation Management Site, click on the “Set ARS Mode” button and answer “NO” indicating that there are no polling questions in your presentation.


9 Be sure to complete evaluations for each session you attend and share your feedback.


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