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Supporting Children's Transition to Kindergarten

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Presentation on theme: "Supporting Children's Transition to Kindergarten"— Presentation transcript:

1 Supporting Children's Transition to Kindergarten
Occupational Therapy tips, referral indicators and strategies

2 Time of change New learning Increased demands and expectations Increased independence Social challenges Emotional growth Individual differences- age, birth order, family situation, culture, EQ and IQ

3 Key Tips Acknowledge individual differences
Start where you are at, do what you can Educate parents with written information and facts- raising Keep parents informed Challenge your assumptions Trust your instincts Know when to refer Act early

4 OT referral Indicators for a child 4.5-6 years starting school
No clear hand dominance and persistent swapping Disorganized and inaccurate cutting-two hands, scissors upside down, no/poor stabilisation and shift Weak pencil grasp- feint and poorly controlled pencil output trace, colour, draw Poor group skills- waiting, turn taking, sitting on floor Poor listen and follow instructions and organising self Poor matching, sorting, puzzle skills Sensory avoidance/sensitivity Social challenges- greeting, answer questions appropriately, play cooperatively Emotional immaturity- cries easily, cant handle mistakes, poor problem solving

5 Support Strategies Hand strength-
water from sponges, spray trigger bottle, playdough Popping bubble wrap Hand dominance- working hand and holding hand present in middle, finish tasks without swapping hands Scissor use- thumbs on top move it move it

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