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Diversity And Inclusion

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1 Diversity And Inclusion
ATLAS S&C Week - NYU G. Watts (UW/Seattle)

2 Diversity Inclusion What is the variety?
How many of each identity type? Inclusion Behaving in such a way as to encourage diversity Systematic structures that allow accessiblity G. Watts (UW/Seattle)

3 (the Allen institute) G. Watts (UW/Seattle)

4 Speakers: 88% men, 12% women G. Watts (UW/Seattle)

5 Take a CV… Same CV – swap out male and female names, race, etc.
G. Watts (UW/Seattle)

6 G. Watts (UW/Seattle)

7 G. Watts (UW/Seattle)

8 The Diversity And Inclusion Group
Kate Shaw, Gordon Watts, Pippa Wells, Sahal Yacoob G. Watts (UW/Seattle)

9 All contacts are treated confidentially!
Mandate Contacting Us Want to start a conversation? This is public and anyone can join this list! All contacts are treated confidentially! We will not follow up with anyone outside our group of contacts without agreement from the person reporting the issue! Want to let the contacts know about something anonymously? Non anonymous s to the 4 of us: Our website contains an anonymous message box Talk in Person to one of us! G. Watts (UW/Seattle)

10 Mandate Maintain contacts with other diversity contacts in HEP / CERN
Maintain list of resources related to D&I Evaluate possibilities of training courses Compile regular report on the composition of the collaboration Report periodically to the collaboration (CB matters session) G. Watts (UW/Seattle)

11 ATLAS Members G. Watts (UW/Seattle)

12 Recent items Conference talks:
Abstracts accepted for EPS, lepton-photon and DPF (USA conference) Hope to have updated plots in time for these talks Training – ATLAS has trialed a new course for convenors and subgroup convenors: Colour blindness and the Run Control GUI (being followed up by Run Coordination) Why isn’t CERN showing Women’s World Cup in the restaurants? Mini-workshop including people who work on diversity issues in Universities? G. Watts (UW/Seattle)

13 We have periodic Social Lunches
G. Watts (UW/Seattle)

14 The ATLAS Community The ATLAS Collaboration is made of diverse members from around the globe with a variety of identities We want the Collaboration to be an inclusive community where everyone is welcome. We follow the CERN code of conduct. We value the opinions of people with different experience and backgrounds. Everyone can participate in discussion. Questions should be asked and answered respectfully, and paying particular attention to newcomers. We abstain from all forms of harassment, including any form of abuse or exclusionary (racist, sexist…) jokes at all times (even in the breaks/evenings). Take action if the code is broken – speak up or talk privately to the person, or consult a coordinator/organizer G. Watts (UW/Seattle)

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