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New Industrial Life.

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Presentation on theme: "New Industrial Life."— Presentation transcript:

1 New Industrial Life

2 Industrial Cities Industrial Revolution brought rapid urbanization or movement of people to the cities Need for workers in factories drew workers from rural areas People would pack into tiny rooms in tenement buildings The tenements had no running water, foul-smells and garbage rotted in the streets


4 Factory Workers The average work day lasted between 12-16 hours
Machines had no safety device so many workers injured themselves Coal dust from the machines destroyed lungs of workers

5 Women Workers Factory owners thought women could adapt easier to the machines in factories than men Factory owners paid women less than men Women worked long hours and then had to take care of the family when they came home

6 Child Labor Children worked in factories to help their families pay bills and buy food Children were good in the mines because of their small frame Children were also used in factories to fix machines because of their small hands Employers made deals with orphanages to take orphans for their factory

7 Review Urbanization was the movement from _________ to ________
How long was the average work day? Why did factory workers like women workers more than men workers? Where were children most useful during the industrial Revolution?

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