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FASER LS2 work coordination meeting

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Presentation on theme: "FASER LS2 work coordination meeting"— Presentation transcript:

1 FASER LS2 work coordination meeting
FASER LS2 work coordination meeting – 6th June 2019 FASER LS2 work coordination meeting Civil Engineering (WP2) Update Jonathan Gall, John Osborne – SMB – SE – FAS

2 Introduction Core testing update Design progress update
FASER LS2 work coordination meeting – 6th June 2019 Introduction Core testing update Design progress update Other updates/ discussion Schedule Next Steps

3 Core testing update Tests carried out and initial results back
FASER LS2 work coordination meeting – 6th June 2019 Core testing update Tests carried out and initial results back Awaiting finalised report and following up with some queries Some variability in rock strength Design impact to assess Concrete results generally consistent with expectation ~40MPa Report to add to EDMS once finalised

4 Design progress update
FASER LS2 work coordination meeting – 6th June 2019 Design progress update GPR results incorporated into CE model AB Drainage records added to allow Arup to carry out drainage design Tunnel model extended to next manhole beyond locked door

5 Design progress update
FASER LS2 work coordination meeting – 6th June 2019 Design progress update Arup working on design basis statement Feeding updated model and test results into structural analysis Review of current model Potential adaptation to frames concept or change to waling beam with props

6 Other updates/ discussion
FASER LS2 work coordination meeting – 6th June 2019 Other updates/ discussion Meeting with JF Fuchs Survey resource Phasing of transport handling works

7 WP2 Schedule Design Arup commission for design - End March
FASER LS2 work coordination meeting – 6th June 2019 WP2 Schedule Design Arup commission for design - End March Completion of coring/ testing – End April Completion of coring/test analysis– End May Completion of detailed design and spec – End Jul Interim design validation (HSE) – Mid Aug Procurement Contract documentation prepared – Mid Aug Contractor Appointment – End September Works Steelwork order placed - Early October Full design and works validation (HSE) – End Dec Works preparation and mobilisation - End Dec Works w5-w10 (Feb-Mar) > Still scope to accelerate start Contingency w11-14 outside working hours Completion - end w14 (Aprl) 2020 Completed On programme Delayed

8 Next Steps Analyse results of core tests Progress design
FASER LS2 work coordination meeting – 6th June 2019 Next Steps Analyse results of core tests Progress design Begin drainage design Draft specification and contract documentation Continue to iterate on design and planning with wider project group

9 Thank You Any Questions?

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