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Session 11: Feedback from site visit

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Presentation on theme: "Session 11: Feedback from site visit"— Presentation transcript:

1 Session 11: Feedback from site visit
Facilitator notes: Legionnaires’ disease: Risk assessment, outbreak investigation and control Session 11: Feedback from site visit ECDC, 2012

2 Risk assessment methodology in cooling towers
What precautions should you take if you had to inspect a cooling tower? What paperwork needs to be reviewed?

3 Risk assessment methodology in Spa pools
What precautions should you take if you had to inspect a spa pool? What paperwork needs to be reviewed?

4 Risk assessment methodology in Hot and Cold Water Systems
What precautions should you take if you had to sample from a hot and cold water system? On a site visit, what checks would you carry out? What paperwork needs to be reviewed?

5 Facilitator notes: Acknowledgements The creation of this training material was commissioned in 2010 by ECDC to Health Protection Agency (UK) and the University of Chester (UK) with the direct involvement of Louise Brown, Janice Gidman, Emma Gilgunn-Jones, Ian Hall (on behalf of the ECDC Legionnaires Disease Outbreak Toolbox Development Group), Tim Harrison, Rob Johnston, Carol Joseph, Sandra Lai, John Lee, Falguni Naik, Nick Phin, Michelle Rivett, and Susanne Surman-Lee. The revision and update of this training material was commissioned in 2017 by ECDC to Transmissible (NL) with the direct involvement of Arnold Bosman and Kassiani Mellou.

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