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USG Dual Enrollment Data and Trends

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1 USG Dual Enrollment Data and Trends
USG Dual Enrollment Summit June 26, 2019 Macon, GA Lori Prince Hagood, Research Associate

2 Agenda Enrollment trends and demographics of currently enrolled DE students DE course taking and performance Conversion of DE students to USG first-time freshmen First-time freshmen with DE credit

3 Enrollment Trends & Demographics of Currently Enrolled DE Students

4 Dual Enrollment Participation in USG
Includes all types of dual enrollment DE has increased by 326% over the last 10 years Summer enrollment is much lower (from previous slide, spring 18 enrollment was 11,800), but has grown tremendously since 2015 (fall 15 to fall 16 enrollment grew by only 30%)

5 Percentage of DE Students that are Female
Similar trends in enrollment by gender are seen system-wide for non-DE students

6 Percentage of DE Students by Race System Total
Decrease in the percent of white students over time, while the percent of Black and Asian students has remained relatively flat; notable increases observed for percent of Hispanic/Latino students. There are some differences observed across sectors: Research Universities had an increase in the percent of Asian and Hispanic students, but a decrease in the percent of Black students. State Universities and State Colleges had increases in the percent of Black and Hispanic students. Similar enrollment trends are seen system-wide for non-DE students; however, we have seen a steady increase in the percent of Asian students enrolled since Fall 2014.

7 Average HS GPA of DE Students
Average high school GPA of DE students at the System level has shown a slight increase over time from 3.6 to 3.7. Other than an anomalous slight dip in Fall 2016 for the Research Universities, all sectors show a similar pattern of increase.

8 Average SAT Score of DE Students
Average SAT scores are provided for DE students that took the re-designed SAT exam, which was administered starting in March From Fall 2016 to Fall 2018, average scores increased. The biggest increase was from Fall 2016 to 2017 but this is predominantly driven by the small sample size of students with the re-designed exam in Fall Scores remained relatively stable between Fall 2017 and Consistent with the requirements for DE admission, average scores are higher among DE students that are enrolled in more selective sectors

9 Average Hours Attempted by DE Students
Since Fall 2014, average credit hours attempted by DE students have remained relatively stable at the System level (from 7 hours in Fall 2014 to 7.3 hours in Fall 2018). However, this is not the case across all sectors: hours attempted increased at Research and State Universities, but decreased at Comprehensive Universities.

10 Average Percent of Hours Earned by DE Students
The relative stability of % hours earned is encouraging given the broadening participation in DE over time. Percent of hours earned is highest among DE students at Research institutions, and decreases as sectors become less selective.

11 Average College GPA of DE Students
Performance of DE students, as measured by their end of semester GPA, has remained close to 3.3 over the past five years system-wide. Average GPA across sectors is similarly stable.

12 Percentage of DE Courses in Core
The majority of courses taken by DE students are designated as part of the core curriculum. System-wide, more than 90 percent of all DE course enrollments were within the core from Fall 2014 to Fall 2018, and there has been an increase over time from 94 percent in Fall 2014 to 97 percent in Fall This is similar across sectors; however, Comprehensive Universities have a slightly lower proportion of DE course enrollments within the core.

13 Course Enrollment in Top 5 DE Courses
It is important to note that the number of students enrolled in each of these courses has increased over time, the percent has declined due to overall growth in DE participation.

14 Pass Rates in Top 5 DE Courses
We similar pass rates across the 5 DE courses with the highest enrollment

15 Grade Distribution for Gateway Courses (2014-2018)
ENGL 1101 Nearly all students taking gateway English and math courses pass with a C or better; more than 50% of English students earn an A Similarly with math gateway courses, most students pass with a C or better and nearly half earn an A. Note: Math gateway courses are college algebra, math modeling, and quantitative reasoning Similar pass rates are observed across sectors. These outcomes are encouraging given our focus on completing intro English and math courses in the first year (part of the Momentum Year initiative)

16 Percent of DE Course Enrollment by Delivery
The graphs above show the percent of DE courses taught in the following mutually exclusive categories: face-to-face on a USG campus, in an online format, as part of eCore, and at an external site. Courses taught at external site are often taught at a high school. The majority of DE courses are taught face-to-face on USG campuses; however, since Fall 2014 there has been a sizeable decline in face-to-face DE instruction (93% to 79%) and an increase in the percent of DE courses taught online (4% to 18% including eCore). ** note: eCore is a collaborative effort across USG institutions to offer general education courses online With respect to performance across course type, in Fall 2018 the highest pass rates occurred in courses taught at External Sites, followed closely by Face-to-Face and non eCore Online.

17 Percentage of DE Courses Taught Online
There are similar trends in online DE course enrollment across sectors, but Research Universities have a slightly greater percentage of DE courses in an online format (primarily driven by an increase in DE participation in online courses at Georgia State University).

18 Percent of DE Courses Taught By Faculty Rank Fall 2018
In Fall 2018 there were 4,717 instructors that taught a course with a DE student enrolled. Close to 50% have the rank of Professor (including Assistant and Associate). A quarter are Instructors, and 15% are Lecturers (including Senior).

19 Conversion of DE Students to First-Time Freshmen

20 Percent of DE Students Enrolled as FTF at any USG School

21 Percent of DE Students Enrolled as FTF at DE School

22 First-Time Freshmen with DE Credit

23 Number of FTF Enrolled with DE Credit by Sector

24 Percent of First-time Freshmen with DE Credit
The above charts indicate that system-wide, the percent of FTF bringing in DE credit has increased from 10% (4,993 students) in Fall 2014 to 22% (11,870 students) in Fall This pattern is observed across all sectors, and in particular in Fall 2018, Comprehensive and State Universities had the largest percent of FTF with DE credit (Note: sectors depicted in Section 4 charts denote the sector where the student is a FTF).

25 Average DE Credit Earned for FTF with DE Credit
Speaker: Lori Notes: On average, incoming freshmen with DE credit are bringing in a semester’s worth of credit. At the system level, the average DE credit earned by FTF increased from 15 in Fall 2014 to 17 in Fall Similar patterns are observed across sectors; FTF at Comprehensive Universities in Fall 2018 have the highest average DE credit hours earned at 18 hours.

26 Where USG FTF Earned DE Credit
The x-axis shows where students enrolled as FTF Mutually exclusive categories include USG only, Technical College System of GA only, Georgia Military College only, other = out of state or private, and Mix is a combination of the other categories. The majority of FTF with DE credit at research universities earned DE credit at a USG institution However, at state colleges, the majority of FTF with DE credit earned their credit from TCSG

27 Average DE Credit Earned for FTF by Location
FTF who earned DE credit from a combination of locations earned the greatest amount of DE credit on average (from 23 to 28 credit hours over the last five years). This is not surprising considering that students attending a mix of locations likely enrolled for more than one term. The second highest credit earned on average occurred at GMC; however, it is important to note that the number of FTF earning DE credit exclusively from GMC is very small (73 students in Fall 2014 and 524 students in Fall 2018). When we look at enrollment across sectors, similar patters hold.

28 One-year System-wide Retention Rates by DE Status Fall 2017 Cohort
One-year, system-wide retention rates for FTF in Fall 2017 are presented above. Across sectors, FTF with DE credit were retained at higher rates than students without DE credit. The difference between DE and non-DE students was most pronounced at State Universities and State Colleges. It is important to note that DE students tend to be better academically prepared than non-DE students in terms of high school GPA and standardized test scores, and this is a contributing factor to the differences in student success observed at the postsecondary level.

29 One-year System-wide Retention Rates by DE Location Fall 2017 Cohort
In addition, students with DE credit have higher retention rates than non-DE students regardless of where DE credit was earned. The highest retention rates are observed among FTF who earned DE credit exclusively from a USG institution. System-wide retention rates are the percent of students retained at any USG institution, not only those retained at the institution where they initially matriculated. Similar trends emerge for first year GPA, percent of hours earned, and total hours earned.

30 Average First-year GPA by DE Status Fall 2017 Cohort

31 Average First-year GPA by DE Location Fall 2017 Cohort

32 Conclusion Dual enrollment participation in Georgia has grown notably over the past decade, especially since 2015 DE students enroll in core courses and gateway English and math Nearly all DE students pass courses with a C or better 60% of DE students re-enroll in USG as FTF; 25% do so at the same institution An increasing percentage of USG freshmen bring in DE credit USG freshmen bringing in DE credit earn on average a full semester’s worth of credit hours FTF with DE credit are more likely to be retained, have higher GPAs, and earn more hours on average compared to non-DE students Encouraging to see positive outcomes for DE students (success in DE courses even with large growth in participation), completion of intro math and English courses, etc. as well as positive postsecondary outcomes for DE students who matriculate as FTF. However, these outcomes are related to the academic preparation of students who self select into DE programs. Going forward it is important for us to explore the impact of DE participation while controlling as much as possible for this selection bias.

33 Contact Lori Prince Hagood Speaker: Lori

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