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Thomas Jefferson.

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1 Thomas Jefferson

2 Jefferson’s Democratic Style
Ordinary citizen His inauguration (ceremony when president officially takes office) was very low key, he wanted to show that the strength of the nation came from ordinary people In his inauguration address, he told the nation that we are all “Republicans and Federalists” He wanted to make the government more democratic: he wanted all people to have the same rights and be part of the nation’s democracy. What does it mean to participate in democracy? Why would he want everyone to participate in democracy?

3 “ Educate and inform the whole mass of the people
“ Educate and inform the whole mass of the people. Enable them to see that it is their interest to preserve peace and order, and they will preserve them… They are the only [ones to rely on] for the preservation of our liberty.”

4 Jefferson’s Goals Reduce the size of the government:
Government should ONLY protect the citizens’ rights Reduce national debt (money the government owes) Reduce the size of the army and navy Laissez-faire policies: “Let alone” in french. Economic idea that the government should play as small of a role as possible in economic affairs. Reconcile Party Differences Kept the bank of the U.S Paid off state debts using federal money Allowed Federalists to keep their jobs How can the government play a role in economics? Promote trade or manufacturing through taxes and such Why might it be good for the government to play a role in economics? Why not?

5 Marbury Vs. Madison 1803 In the months between Jefferson's Election and his inauguration President John Adams appoints Federalist William Marbury as a Federal Judge. Madison does not deliver the appointment. Marbury sues Madison before the Supreme Court. Marbury loses the case but……. Chief Justice John Marshall William Marbury Secretary of State James Madison

6 Chief Justice John Marshall, a Federalist, says that the Judiciary Act passed by George Washington Was unconstitutional. Judicial Review: The Supreme Court can declare a law unconstitutional!

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