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Color Highlights Unit 6.

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1 Color Highlights Unit 6

2 Isaac Newton White light is all light combined.
Newton shined light through a prism into separate colors. He then separated just blue light through a spectrum and it was just blue on the other side…blue is not a combination of other colors! **This will be considered a primary color.

3 Rainbows As white light passes through a prism, shorter wavelengths refract more than longer wavelengths, and colors separate. Red light moves slowest so it bends least. Violet light moves fastest so it bends most.

4 Primary Colors Red Green Blue
When red light strikes a surface, red light is reflected. When blue light strikes a surface, blue light is reflected. When red and blue light strike a surface, they bounce back and combine to make magenta.

5 Secondary Color Cyan Yellow Magenta
These are each a combination of 2 primary colors. One primary color + a primary color = white light. (complementary colors)

6 Venn-Diagram 1. What are some complementary colors of light?

7 Pigments Pigment a material that absorbs some colors of light and reflects other colors. Primary pigment colors are Cyan Yellow Magenta

8 Pigments Secondary colors of pigments are: Red Green Blue
Complementary colors of pigments 2 pigments combined to make black

9 Pigment Venn-Diagram 1. What are some complementary colors of pigments?

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