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Analysis Skills/Evaluation Skills

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1 Analysis Skills/Evaluation Skills
Purple Hibiscus Analysis Skills/Evaluation Skills Making inferences Commenting on the effects of language and structure Commenting on events in the context of the wider novel Understanding and interpreting a character’s thoughts and emotions Linking events across the text Key Vocabulary Definitions Victory Defeating an enemy or opponent Faithful Loyalty and belief in someone or an idea Fundamentalist Belief in the strict literal implementation of a religion Colonialism Control of a people and their country Igbo A person from south east Nigeria Secretive Keeping things to oneself Persona The aspect of a character that is revealed to others Dictatorial A ruler who commands complete power and control Abusive Extremely offensive or insulting Fanaticism Excessive zeal or love for an idea to the exclusion of rational thought Freedom Being able to do as you like – having no restrictions Oppression Being kept down by a regime Duality Having two sides to a person Respect Feeling of deep admiration Resilience Keeping going despite difficult circumstances Conscious Something you are aware of Unconscious Something that you are unaware of knowing internal conflict Conflict emotionally within yourself Transformative To change or develop or grow Terminology Definitions Foreshadowing A hint or suggestion that Symbolism Using symbols to represent other ideas Flashback A recollection of events that have happened previously Narrative A spoken or written account of connected events; a story Religious connotations Religious references that have implied range of meanings Allusions Making a casual or indirect reference to something Dialogue Speech between characters Description Using a range of techniques to describe what is happening in the story First Person Narrative Narrator tells the story using I – from their perspective Bias A prejudiced viewpoint Exposition The opening or setting of the scene in the novel Rising action An introduction to a problem in the narrative Climax A high point in the action Resolution The ending – can be left with questions in the mind Pathetic fallacy Weather creates a mood or atmosphere Emotive language Words or phrases used to create particular emotions Allegorical Using the story to identify a wider or deeper political meaning Context Political unrest in Nigeria: military leader in the novel is based on Ibrahim Babangida, who took power through a military coup in His regime was one of the most corrupt in Nigerian history, and included many human rights abuses present in the novel.  Religious fundamentalism – Catholicism in contrast to old gods. Conflict between colonial religion and historic Nigerian religion. The character Ade Coker is modelled on Dele Giwa, a journalist & critic of the Nigerian government. Giwa was killed by a mail bomb in his home in Adichie echoes real political activism and events. Colonialisation in Nigeria was the British rule of the country and included: politics, religion, economic, social and educational. Foreign rule on foreign soil. Tentative Phrases Adiche may use (terminology) to create … Kimbili is perhaps used to demonstrate Adiche, in her novel could be highlighting Symbolically, Adiche’s use of __________ might suggest…. Adiche’s foreshadowing may portray… Suggested Questions How does Adiche explore family relationships? Explore Adiche’s presentation of religious fundamentalism? What contrasts are evident in the public and the private persona of the character…? How are themes relating to ___________ presented in the novel?

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