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Lazarus’ tomb was made empty.

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1 Lazarus’ tomb was made empty.
One day Jesus stood at the tomb of a dear friend and said… “Take away the stone.” John 11:39 “Lazarus, come forth!” John 11:43 Lazarus’ tomb was made empty.

2 “When Jesus stood at Lazarus’ tomb and none believed He had the power,
Resurrection Hymns For Worship, #557 “When Jesus stood at Lazarus’ tomb and none believed He had the power, Despite their grief and their disbelief, He commanded, “Take away the stone.” Verse 1

3 Jesus’ tomb was made empty.
Early one Sunday morning, some women went to anoint the body of one they loved. An angel said… “Why do you seek the living among the dead. He is not here, but risen!” Luke 24:5-6 Jesus’ tomb was made empty.

4 “When Jesus lay in Joseph’s tomb and none believed He had the power,
Resurrection Hymns For Worship, #557 “When Jesus lay in Joseph’s tomb and none believed He had the power, True Love spoke forth in a Father’s voice, and the angel took away the stone.” Verse 2

5 Our own tomb will be made empty.
One day… “…the hour is coming in which all who are in the graves will hear His voice and come forth…” John 5:28-29a Our own tomb will be made empty.

6 “When I shall lie within my tomb and none believe He has the power,
Resurrection Hymns For Worship, #557 “When I shall lie within my tomb and none believe He has the power, The Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout to take away the stone.” Verse 3


8 We do believe His tomb is empty…we believe He was raised from the dead !!
We have assembled to worship a resurrected Lord !! We know one day He will also raise us.

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