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Team Manager Training Fall 2019

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1 Team Manager Training Fall 2019
Floy Campbell Team Manager Coordinator 1

2 Important Info *All Team Managers must take Safe Haven training (* Key Dates Details All ages (Playground, 5U/6U & above) Regular season runs Sept 7 – Nov 9 Team decides what day/time to hold End of Season party Picture Day Saturday, September 28 at Rainbow Park Schedule posted to 3-5 days before Makeup Picture Day (VIP, Madison League, anyone who missed original Picture Day) Sunday, October 6 at Congress Springs Contact: for details Referee and 8U Official Appreciation Weekend Saturday October 5 and Sunday October 6, according to your team’s game schedule

3 Team Jobs ALL teams require: Snack Coordinator Coach Gifts Coordinator
5U and above – requires all of the above, plus: Team Manager Goal Duty Parent (2) Practice Parent (2) Field Liner (2) Sweatshirt (Fall only) Picture Day Parent End of Season Party Planner 8U and above - requires all of the above, plus: 8U Official (2) Referee Gifts Coordinator 10U and above - requires all of the above, plus: Team Referee (2) - replaces 8U Official Optional: Banner Parent Player Gifts/Trophies Parent Kids Zone Parent 3

4 Team Manager Job Description (1/2)
5U and above Team Manager Job Description (1/2) The key job of the Team Manager is to offload the Coach and Assistant Coach from having to deal with the team logistics, so they can focus only on coaching our kids Meet with the Coach prior to the 1st practice/game to understand needs & expectations for the season Recruit fellow parents from the team to perform “Team Jobs” during the season Easiest way is to set up a Parent Meeting immediately following the first practice Solicit parent volunteers for the Team Jobs, and assign any remaining jobs to families who have not yet volunteered Capture all Team Job volunteers by parent name, child name, and contact info ( /cell) Assist the coach in assigning uniforms to the players by height Additionally: Follow up with volunteers to make sure team jobs are completed accurately and on time Let parents know the team roster and game schedule will be posted on Blue Sombrero team page Use to assist in communication between coaches and parents 4

5 Team Manager Job Description (2/2)
5U and above Team Manager Job Description (2/2) Make sure that your Goal Duty Parents (2 per team) and Field Liner parents (2 per team) sign up for these roles in in order to receive the necessary notifications from AYSO64 for their volunteer role Every family (except Head Coach, Assistant Coach, Referee, and Team Manager) must pick up at least one Team Job (see next page). These are jobs specific to your child’s team, and are in addition to the Regional volunteer requirement. Head Coach, Assistant Coach, Referee, and Team Manager roles fulfill both the Regional and Team volunteer requirement due to the time commitment over the course of the season Decide on expenses for the team and how to collect the $ (Team Manager collects for all or individual volunteers collect for each expense). Each team can decide what expenses are reasonable. Keep in mind that not all families may be able to contribute. Coach/Ref appreciation gifts End of Season Party Player Trophy/Gift (optional) Team Banner (optional)

6 Playground, 5U and above Snack Coordinator The most important volunteer role on the team (for the kids)! Poll the team for any food allergies, and make sure all parents are aware and will bring snacks that all the kids can have Create a snack schedule, assigning one family/week to bring both half-time and post-game snack Do not assign snack duty to Coaches, Assistant Coaches, or Referee parents on your team Depending on the # of kids on the team, some families may need to do it twice If families have more than one child on the team, they should bring snack once for each child Tell kids to bring their own water bottle Check with the coach on any snack preferences Half time snack: water and fruit Post-game snack: Gatorade, juice boxes, crackers, string cheese, fruit chews, cookies, crackers, Gogurt, popsicles, granola bars, chips, etc… Bring 3 extra water bottles (or other drinks) to give to the Refs at half time Bring napkins or wipes and a trash bag for clean up. Leave the field cleaner than you found it! You can use Shutterfly Share site to assign and track snack assignments for each week (see last slide) 6

7 Goal Duty Parent (2 per team)
5U and above Goal Duty Parent (2 per team) Goal Duty parents need to be properly trained to ensure our kids’ safety 2 parents minimum need to attend goal training at your team’s respective game field Playground/5U/6U set up and take down goals for every game 8U and above: SET UP goals if your team has the first game of the day TAKE DOWN goals if your team has the last game of the day Goal parents should lead the other parents on game day to help set up or take down goals *Goal Duty Parents must sign up as Goal Parents at Contact Field Coordinator for more info 7

8 Practice Parent (2 per team)
5U and above Practice Parent (2 per team) Practice Parents are needed to assist coaches with any issues that come up during practice, so that coaches can continue to focus on coaching the team. Examples: tying shoes, bandaging players, calming children who fall or get hit with the ball, keeping kids in order during practice drills, etc… 2 adults in addition to coaches are required at every practice. For girls’ teams at least 1 female parent at every practice. Show up and stay for every practice. You can have one parent volunteer attend all practices or have a few parents alternate days. If no one volunteers, create a rotating schedule where each family fulfills one week. Can align with snack schedule. 8

9 5U and above Field Liner (2 per team) The Field we have is GRASS. If you want to see a game field, every team must have a Field Liner. The lining is done on Friday evenings ~5pm on the field *Go to to volunteer as a Field Liner and sign up for your field and chosen weeks. You can switch with a family member or other parent on the team, as long as you instruct them and share the instructions See -> hover over “Click Here for Answers to Frequently Asked Questions” -> click on “Fields” (direct link: Or

10 Sweatshirt Parent (Fall season only)
5U and above Sweatshirt Parent (Fall season only) Fall season only Sweatshirt parents should be notified through of sweatshirt order due date and pickup date Coaches will also be informed of the Sweatshirt due dates and process and can pass on the info to the Sweatshirt Parent Region 64 Sweatshirt Coordinator can be reached at: One parent should handle both Sweatshirt Parent and Picture Day Parent roles

11 Picture Day Parent Before Picture Day:
5U and above Picture Day Parent Before Picture Day: Find out from the Coach or Team Manager when/where Picture Day envelopes will be distributed, and pick up all the envelopes for your team Registration fee already includes 1 fridge magnet of Player photo, and 1 team photo. Payment is only needed for any additional items ordered. Pass out picture order envelopes to parents at practice the week before Picture Day Saturday Sept 28 at Rainbow Park Make Up Picture Day: Sunday October 6 at Congress Springs – for VIP, Madison League, and anyone who missed taking individual Player Photos and Team Photos. Contact: with questions. Check your team’s timeslot on the Picture Day Schedule on the calendar at -> Calendar -> Region 64 once we get close to the date, and notify your team of your timeslot. Note that the Picture Day Schedule may not be posted until 1-2 days before Picture Day. On Picture Day: Assist the Coach in lining up the Players in order by height on Picture Day Make sure each player has an order envelope completely filled out and in hand ready to give to the photographer There will be extra order envelopes available at Picture Day for anyone who forgot their envelope. After Picture Day: Find out from the Coach or Team Manager when/where Pictures will be distributed, and pick up and distribute all the pictures for your team One parent should handle both Sweatshirt Parent and Picture Day Parent roles Picture Day Coordinator can be contacted at 11

12 Coach Gifts Coordinator
Playground, 5U and above Coach Gifts Coordinator Playground only needs to collect for UK Coaches Other divisions, please include collection for UK Coaches if applicable Ask the Parents & Players for ideas on what to give the coaches Also ask the coaches if they have a preference Collect money for each family (except Coaches and Assistant Coaches). If families have more than one child on the team, they contribute for each child. The typical amount is $10/player. Make sure the gift is ready to be presented at the End of Season Party Gift suggestions: Amazon/Target gift cards, soccer equipment, scrapbooks, team photo signed by Players One parent should handle both the Coach and Referee gifts Keep in mind that not all families may be able to contribute 12

13 End of Season Party Planner
All ages End of Season Party Planner Poll the Coaches/Players on what they’d like to do for the End of Season Party, including date & time and type of party Party suggestions: potluck, picnic at the park, pizza place, indoor soccer arena, The Jungle, Chuck E. Cheese, soccer game: parents vs. kids, etc Be sure to make reservations way in advance if you plan to have the party at a restaurant Keep in mind that not all families may be able to contribute. This shouldn’t keep all families from participating. 13

14 8U Officials (8U) and Team Referees (10U+)
8U and above 8U Officials (8U) and Team Referees (10U+) Without referees, we cannot hold games! No experience, no problem! Referee training will be provided. 8U Officials: Each 8U team needs to supply two 8U Officials to referee their own games. No refs, no game! Team Referees: Each 10U, 12U, 14U, 16U, and 19U team needs to supply two Team Referees to cover the referee shortage. No refs, no game! Team Referees can sign up for games to referee – you pick the dates and times. Contact the Referee Coordinator for more details at: For info on refereeing: Register to be a Referee at 14

15 Referee Gifts Coordinator
10U and above Referees are also UNPAID Volunteer Positions. They sometimes work 3-4 games during a weekend so Parents like us can enjoy watching our children play. Gather inputs from the Team and Parents about how to show appreciation for Refs. Collect money from Parents for Gifts (usually $5 per player). If families have more than one child on the team, they contribute for each child. Suggestions: Amazon/Target gift cards, Home Baked Treats, Gift certificates to a Movie Theatre, Restaurants, Bookstore, autographed team photo, photo book, etc. Purchase Thank You cards for the kids to sign and give to the referees (can sign before the game and at half time during the game on Referee Appreciation Day) Present gift to Referees on Referee Appreciation Day (Saturday October 5 and Sunday October 6) One parent should handle both the Coach and Referee gifts Keep in mind that not all families may be able to contribute 15

16 Banner Parent (optional)
Optional; not needed for 5U/6U/Playground Decide if the team wants to have a banner. All parents, including Coach, Assistant Coach, and Referee parents, contribute to the banner (~$10/family). Set up and take down the banner on game days You can make your own banner or purchase a banner You can purchase banners from various vendors online: - – digitally printed banners business day turnaround business day turnaround - – all custom work - – offering blank felt banners with pole pockets for those who want to create your own team banner 16

17 Player Gift/Trophy Parent (Optional)
Optional; Not needed for 5U/6U/Playground Player Gift/Trophy Parent (Optional) *Medals will be provided by AYSO64 for all 5U/6U/Playground participants All other divisions: Ask the coach first if they have any preference for the player gift Also solicit inputs from the players and Parents Collect Gift/Trophy money from each family ~ $10 If purchasing trophies: Verify players’ names are spelled correctly on Team Roster before submitting to the trophy company for engraving Decide on the inscription to be engraved Submit the online order form at least 4 weeks before the End of Season. Allow a 3-week turnaround time. Other options include photo books, soccer balls, water bottles, t-shirts, etc. Give the gift/trophy to the Head Coach to present to Players at the End of Season Party 17

18 Kids Zone Parent (Optional)
Our job as parents is to support our kids and ensure they have a fun time playing soccer! Remind excited parents about the Kids Zone Principles: Kids are No. 1 Fun, not winning, is everything Fans only cheer, and only coaches coach No yelling in anger Respect the volunteer referees No swearing or abusive behavior No alcohol, tobacco or drugs No weapons Leave no trash behind Set a proper example of sportsmanship Encourage kids to high five and thank the Refs after each game Encourage parents to say only positive adjectives (no verbs!) – “Great pass”, “good hustle”, “nice teamwork”… ALL parents should be Kids Zone parents! 18

19 End of Game Etiquette Cheer for the opposing team
Players line up to high five the opposing team and the Refs. Be sure to thank the Refs! Parents form a tunnel for the players to run through after high fives are completed Pass out the after game snack Clean up the field. Leave NO garbage behind. If last game of the day, put away the goals 19

20 (Optional) How To Set Up a Shutterfly Share Site
Set up an account with Shutterfly if you don’t already have one: Then log in and follow the instructions to set up your own team Share site: Populate the team info onto your Shutterfly site (roster, parents’ info, player #’s, game schedule, etc): Log into the AYSO Region 64 webpage: Find your team info: hover over “Team Central” -> click on “Team directory” and find your child’s team info The Shutterfly snack schedule will self-populate according to the game schedule, then parents can sign up to bring snacks for the various weeks Parents can upload pictures from games Post messages to the team, or specific people

21 Thank You for being a Team Manager, and Have a Great Season!

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