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Scientific Revolution

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1 Scientific Revolution
Chapter 8

2 These mathematical advances paved the way for the Scientific Revolution by giving scientists means for analyzing their observations: • Simon Stevin popularized decimal fractions, thus making it easier for scientists to perform arithmetical calculations. • François Viète laid the foundation for modern algebra, which allowed scientists to construct and solve equations. • John Napier invented tables of logarithms, which simplified complex calculations.

3 What are the key points of the Ptolemaic system?
• Geocentric model (the Earth at fixed point in the center of the universe) • Heavenly bodies are embedded in the transparent spheres that rotate about Earth. • The moon, planets, and the sun are in separate concentric spheres that revolve around Earth. • The rotation of the spheres makes the heavenly bodies rotate about Earth. • All stars in a sphere beyond the planetary spheres. • The tenth sphere is the “prime mover.” • God outside the universe, beyond the outermost sphere

4 Nicolaus Copernicus • Astronomer and mathematician
• Proposed that Earth and other planets move around sun • Through his theory of the universe, influenced other scientists of Scientific Revolution

5 • The universal law of gravitation is one of Newton’s three rules of motion.
• It explains that planetary bodies continue in elliptical orbits around the sun because of a force called gravity. • Newton defines gravity as the force of attraction between objects, with the force exerted by an object proportional to the object's mass. • The law applies on Earth and everywhere else in the universe.

6 Johannes Kepler • Astronomer and mathematician • Discovered that planets have elliptical orbits around sun • Worked out laws governing speeds of planetary orbits • Built on Copernican theory, providing basis for discoveries of future astronomers

7 Galileo Galilei • Astronomer and mathematician • Discovered moons of Jupiter, sunspots, and mountains on Earth’s moon • Formulated law of falling bodies, revolutionizing study of motion by allowing scientists to analyze and predict movements of everything from cannonballs to planets.

8 Isaac Newton • Scientist and mathematician • Defined three laws of motion that explain movements of all objects • Formulated universal law of gravitation • Provided basis for idea that universe functions like a huge machine, according to natural laws

9 Robert Boyle • Conducted controlled experiments in chemistry • Developed Boyle’s Law: Volume of a gas varies with the pressure exerted on it. Antoine Lavoisier • Invented system for naming chemical elements • Explained process of combustion

10 Margaret Cavendish • Made great contributions to philosophy • Wrote several works on scientific matters, including Observations Upon Experimental Philosophy • Criticized idea that humans are masters of nature Maria Winkelmann • Worked as an astronomer • Discovered a comet • Published a number of papers about her observations of the skies

11 How did Bacon, an English philosopher, contribute to the Scientific Revolution?


13 The End

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