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Lopez High School.

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1 Lopez High School

2 Lopez Lobos ALWAYS, Always, always…Lead the Pack!
Lopez High School Lopez Lobos ALWAYS, Always, always…Lead the Pack!

3 Challenges Improve Academic Performance
Improve School Climate Increase Use of Data Driven Instruction Increase Parent Community Involvement Increase Teacher Quality Increase Learning Time Increase Leadership Effectiveness In the application, TEA has identified seven critical success factors that we will be tracking data and collecting data on the grantee campuses. You can see these seven factors on your screen ranging from improving academic performance, increasing leadership and effectiveness, increase learning time, increasing teacher quality, increase parent and community involvement, increase the use of data for driving decision making and instruction, and improving the school climate. Also in the application you will hear TEA discussion of the critical success factors and milestones. Now, milestones are the key strategies that establish the foundation for which the critical success factors are built. So while the terminology may be slightly different than what you are accustomed to using within your LEA, you will be required to measure progress toward each of these milestones on the critical success factors. HANDOUT You have a handout which details each of the seven critical success factors and the milestones appropriate to each. Each of the milestones within each critical success factor are basic data elements that the agency has identified that we feel are important to the success of this grant program. As you review the application process and you determine which models to implement on your eligible campuses, review this handout containing the critical success factors and milestones to be achieved and use this information in your program planning, because if you are awarded a grant, you will be required to submit data tied back to each of the critical success factors and milestones in the quarterly implementation reports as well as the data that will be collected at the end of each grant year.

4 Our Goal is Transformation!


6 Our Beliefs About Distributed Leadership
“School principals, or any other leader for that matter, do not single-handedly lead schools to greatness; leadership involves an array of individuals with various tools and structures” (Spillane, 2008) “Leadership is distributed not by delegating it or giving it away, but by weaving together people, materials, and organizational structures in a common cause” (Spillane,2001)

7 Dealing With Change: “Lead Around The Leaf”

8 High Performing Group Activity
On one side of your index card write the name of a high performing group you were have been part of at some point in your life.(basketball team, Bible study group, etc) On the other side, write 3 characteristics that made it high performing. At your table, the person with the prettiest shoes will begin sharing. Then the person to his/her right will share until all members have participated in this part of the activity. During the general discussion be ready to share at least five characteristics that your group had in common.

9 Reflection Do you think our faculty mirrors the list of high performing characteristics? Since everyone brings this experience with them to work everyday, how could we replicate this experience in order to improve our performance this year as a faculty,in our grade levels or departments?

10 Attributes of a Professional Learning Community
Decision Making Refined Distinction Making Precise Professional Vocabulary Learning How Do We Get Better-Challenge One Another De-Privatization of Practice (Transparency) Growing Our Capacity Community Genuine Care about Each Other Openness to Each Other and New Ideas Welcome and Socialize New members Bertani and Bocchio The College Board

11 Characteristics of PLC
Shared values and vision Collaborative Culture(De-privatization of teaching practices) Focus on examining outcomes to improve student learning Supportive and shared leadership Shared personal practice The Center for Comprehensive School Reform and Improvement, 2011

12 The fuzzy middle!

13 CSF 1: Improve Academic Performance
Small Learning Communities CPRs Aligned Curriculum & Assessments Early Warning System The Princeton Review Compass Learning Technology in the Classroom Tutorial Intervention

14 CSF 2: Increase the Use of Quality Data
Aligned Assessments/ 6 Wks tests Eduphoria AWARE CPRs Compass Learning Early Warning System/Interventions

15 CSF 3: Increase Leadership Effectiveness
Transforming Classroom Practice Book Study School Improvement Conference State Assessment Conference EOC Region I Meetings Walk-thru Rotation Plan CPRs

16 CSF 4:Increase Learning Time
Small Learning Communities Early Warning System Professional Development Compass Learning Common Planning Period Afterschool and Saturday Academies

17 CSF 5: Increase Parental Involvement
PAC Support Group Gradespeed Workshops Newsletters Family Counseling Adult Literacy

18 CSF 6: Improve School Climate
Incentives Club Day Career Fair Staff Training on Teen Issues Be a True Lobo Campaign Newsletters KWLF SACs

19 CSF 7: Increase Teacher Quality
Technology DANA Center EOC Training Compass AWARE CPRs Classroom Observations TCPs

20 What’s the boldest thing you’ve done personally that you feel comfortable sharing with your tablemates? What’s the boldest thing you’ve done professionally? Anyone bold enough to share their example?

21 How will The 9th and 10th Grade Teams Work?
There will be 10 teams composed of: One teacher for each core area (Math, SS, Science, and ELA) There will be one Team Leader per team. Team Leaders will be supervised by Sonia Villalon. Maricela Sierra will oversee technology aspect of grant. Benita Becerra and Maria Lara will oversee grant progress.

22 TTiPSS Team Leaders Responsibilities
Coordinate Parental Involvement Activities (PAC, SAC Days and Parent Support Meetings) Ensure that activities for teams stipulated in the grant are done and documented(newsletter, students incentives, etc.) Provide support to team members. Communicate team’s concerns and report progress to grant administration. Be familiar with 90 days Strategies and short term goals as well as annual performance goals. Oversee effectiveness of program’s activities(passing rates, attendance, referrals). Facilitate mandatory meetings (conduct and document) Gather and interpret data to create an intervention plan(Daily and Saturday tutorial) Conduct clinical walk-throughs

23 TTiPSS Teacher Responsibilities
Implement Student Monitoring System Track missing ,failing grades Track attendance problems Track discipline problems Attend mandatory meetings Incorporate Compass Learning Meet for TAKS planning with grade level subject and team planning during conference period. Follow walk-thru schedule for campus tours (Professional Learning Communities) Promote the use of technology in the classroom Utilize thinking maps, Socratic method, Cornell note-taking , and cooperative learning strategies to engage learners and promote higher order thinking. Use data to make instructional decisions. Refer students to weekly and Saturday tutorials Understand and apply Behavior System

24 TTiPSS Teacher Responsibilities Continues…
Assign team name, color, mascot, and motto. Adopt college or university for team. Attend and be prepared for PAC and SAC Days Help create parents newsletter Help recruit Parent Support Team and attend 6 weeks meeting. Have monitoring documentation ready for 6 weeks progress /failure rate meeting with grant administrator.

25 2010-2011 Victories Performance Measure Year 1 Progress Goal Year 1
Actual Performance Above Goal Reduce Reading/ELA Six Weeks Failure Rates 23.75% 9% 14.75 Reduce Math Six Weeks Failure Rates 13% 10.75 Increase Number of Parents Attending Parent Involvement Activities 32.4 1348 1315

26 Performance Measure Year 1 Progress Goal Actual Performance Above Goal
Increase Student Attendance Rate. 96% 94.4% -1.6 Decrease Student Discipline Referrals. 825 630 195 Increase Teacher Attendance Rate. 13.4% 5.2% 8.2

27 Performance Measure Year 1 Progress Goal Actual Performance Above Goal
Increase St. Participation in Co-curricular& Extra-curricular Activities. 32.5% 58% 25.5 Increase High School Graduation Rate 77.7% 85% 7.3 Increase High School Completion rate 67.2% 93% 25.8

28 It’s Safer to Travel In groups

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