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Sales Training & Development

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1 Sales Training & Development
Featuring Joe Ellers

2 Featured Presenter: Joe Ellers- Consultant, Trainer, Speaker & Business Strategist. Author of: -The Sales Manager’s Handbook -Sales Professionals 6-Step Guide To Mastery -Sales Management Excellence -Implementing Process Improvement

3 Salespeople are “people” too
Annual evaluations Joint calls Sales Projects

4 Do an annual development matrix
Determine the key “Knowledge, Skills and Behaviors” Knowledge: What they need to know Skills: Tangible things such as “prospecting” Behaviors: What they need to do

5 Create a rating system ++ = Good enough to teach + = Above average
- = Needs to improve Rate each of your people on this scale—formally as part of their annual review

6 Review the document you created
What area is your team the strongest? Weakest? Who has the most +s? Who has the most –s? Decide how you will address each issue: Training, Coaching or Sales Projects

7 You have some choices Training Homegrown Off-the-shelf
Outside resource There are pros and cons to each

8 More choices Coaching You Another salesperson
Another resource in your organization Again, there are trade-offs

9 A final choice Sales Projects
Sometimes, you just need to give out an assignment Remember to be specific

10 Follow-up is always the key
Establish a training/development calendar Use your joint calls Performance reviews—as often as necessary Look for other forms of feedback Never let a follow-up date slip

11 Action Items Decide what is important Decide who needs it
Decide how to do it Put a plan together Follow your plan

12 Presented By: Joe Ellers
More learning tools are available for sales managers, executives and sales professionals by visiting; Thank You

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