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Feedback 2017 Part A.

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1 Feedback 2017 Part A

2 Question 1: Identifying the Main Argument
You must include ALL parts of the main argument. Be direct and precise. What is problematic about these statements? “This claim talked about…” “The main argument focussed on…” “The main idea was about how…”

3 Question 1: Identifying the Main Argument
For the 2017 Part A Prompt, students are expected to address two primary components of the author's main idea: (1) Greed can stimulate the economy and (2) Greed can lead to poor health and unhappiness.

4 Question 2: Analyzing the Line of Reasoning
Requires you to analyze claims and connections between them, NOT evidence.. Don’t waste time discussing the evidence in this section unless it helps you clarify a claim (or connection). Closely tied to Question 1 about the main argument.

5 Question 3: Evaluating the Use of Evidence
You must address the relevance AND credibility of the evidence.

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