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Foundational Structuring:

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Presentation on theme: "Foundational Structuring:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Foundational Structuring:
Developing socially responsible biotechnology in a rapidly changing global environment Michael C. Johns University of Massachusetts, Boston 4/7/2010

2 Process analysis Denmark - Economy of stem cell innovation
Negotiating with the public Multi-disciplinary approach Understanding the needed social conditions Norway – Frustrating politics and morality

3 Case Studies 1980 - Genetic blood disorder & consent
Rheumatoid arthritis & IRB Juvenile diabetes & CAMR Now - Sickle cell disease Now - Cancer

4 Ethics Relevant questions need to put with regard to the potential medical, sociological and psychological dangers inherent in the use of genetic engineering (Suzuki & Knudson, 1989) The development of technology and contemporary civilization demand a proportionate development of morals and ethics. (Pope John Paul II, 1979)

5 Tensions of time and truth
In the biomedical area, for example, commodification of new drugs or procedures often begin with a wedge group (Taylor 2009) I suppose it’s probably the major revolution in the whole history of our understanding of our selves (Venter & Dawkins, 2008)

6 Suspending time in tension, torsion & compression
I suggest that structures, supports and alliances be put in place in a multi-disciplinary fashion that is inclusive sooner, of all parties that will take interest later

7 Foundational structuring
Imagine Create Play Share Reflect Change…and repeat in a Fibonacci like upward constructive spiral

8 Interpretive factors Structure Relationships
Mutual understandings & agreements Sharing Dialogue Change timing

9 Areas for Future Study Institutional review board process - analyze and evaluate effectiveness Further develop model of foundational structuring


11 Bipolarized Methodologies of Science & Policy Introduction to Society
Fictional data - Point is to show expected potential of integrated structure over time

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