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The Round Table Of King Arthur’s Court.

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1 The Round Table Of King Arthur’s Court

2 Origin Norman historian, Wace, first mention it in 1155
According to Wace, Arthur had the idea of a round table to prevent arguments between baron over the question of precedence. Another writer, Layamon, added to the account by saying that a carpenter created a portable tale that could seat 1600 men.

3 Origin Continued Both Wace and Layamon referenced a Breton storytellers as their source for the origin of the round table. As a result, origins of table go back as far as the Celtic times. Later medieval stories say Merlin created the table.

4 Imitation The image to the right is a table in the Great Hall at Winchester (England, not Kentucky). It was patterned after King Arthur’s round table. It dates back to the 13th century and may have been commissioned by King Edward III. It is 18 ft. across, 3 inches thick, and 1.25 tons!

5 Round Table in Winchester
It was painted green and white for the colors of the House of Tudor during the reign of Henry VIII. This table has the name of the Knights of the Round Table. There are 23 names including King Arthur’s. Legend says that Merlin painted the names in a magical gold paint that changes as the knight's changed.

6 Importance of Round Table
The Round Table provide literary importance in that it served to provide the knights of Arthur’s court with a name and a collective personality. The fellowship of the Table also can be compared to the order of chivalry.

7 Other Information The table has been shown has having a ring with a hollow center. This allowed it be be easily put together from several segments. Travelers have identified other possible locations for Arthur's Round Table. Most interesting one is at Caerleon, which is an amphitheater in an old Roman town.

8 Image Sources “King Arthur: Birth of a Legend
Image Sources “King Arthur: Birth of a Legend.” King Arthur: Birth of a Legend, Nathan Currin: total esolutions - “Round Table.” The Round Table | King Arthur & The Knights of the Round Table, Limited, Alamy. “Caerleon.” Alamy, Limited, Alamy. “Round Table.” Alamy, The Round Table, Information Sources Ford, David Nash. Britannia King Arthur: The Round Table, “King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table.” King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table, knights-round-table-1.htm. Nathan Currin: total esolutions - Table.”The Round Table | King Arthur & The Knights of the Round Table, The Editors of Encyclopædia Britannica. “Round Table.” Encyclopædia Britannica, Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc., 15 Apr. 2013,

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