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Swine Breeds.

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1 Swine Breeds

2 American Landrace Denmark White, no color spots Long bodied
“Dumbo”-like ears

3 Chester White Chester County, Pennsylvania White Large litters
Down ears

4 Yorkshire England Most sought after breed
Good mothers and produce large litters White Erect ears

5 Berkshire Berks of England
Black with white socks, muzzle area, and tail Long sided, trim Tends to be heavier than what it looks Erect Ears

6 Duroc Eastern U.S. Red Fast growth and good feed efficiency

7 Hampshire American Black with white ban over shoulders and front legs
Erect ears Lean, meaty carcass

8 Poland China U.S. Black with white muzzle, legs and tail
Large loin eye, thick, even flesh Down ears

9 Spot U.S. White with large black spots over entire body
High growth rate, early maturing, and prolific

10 Pietrain Belgium White with black spots (light pigment) Erect ears
Shorter legs Heavy hams Stress Gene



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