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(WW1) World war 1.

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1 (WW1) World war 1

2 Archduke Franz Ferdinand
WW1 Beginning WW1 was the first world war in American history. It caused many lives to be lost and a lot of money. It was the first time for many new inventions as well. The beginning of the war was caused by the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria, he was killed by a Serbian nationalist in Sarajevo, Bosnia. Even though the war had stated, the United States did not join till 4 years afterwards. war-i-history Archduke Franz Ferdinand

3 United States enters the war
Before the United States entered WWI tension arose between Germany and the U.S. Some Ships traveling to Britain were sunk by the Germans. They announced unrestricted warfare against all ships, neutral or otherwise, that entered the war zone around Britain, yet this did not last. After many ships were sunk and hundreds of people were killed, president Wilson declared war on Germany, meaning we just entered the war as allies. history/america-enters-world-war-i

4 Impact of WW1 on United States.
The United States emerged from the war as a world military and industrial leader. During the war we were on the allies side with Britain, because of us we were a big part of why the Allies won. This war is what really made us one of the major superpowers that we still are today.

5 When did it start? When did it end?
The war was a long and harsh one, it lasted four years. July November Also called the Great War. Centered in Europe.

6 Who all was involved? There were two groups The Allies and the Central Powers Allies- Britain, France, Russia, Italy and the US Central Powers- Germany, Austria-hungry, ottoman Empire and Bulgaria

7 What role did the U.S. play?
America tried its best to stay out of the war but that all changed when Germany sunk a British ship where 128 passengers died many who were Americans. Almost all Americans were angry about this and had protest, so finally Theodore Roosevelt decided that it was best for America to enter the war.

8 Who won? Finally, the Allies won the war!! This was the U.S, Britain, France, Russia, and Italy. They won the battle of Somme, and the Central Powers finally surrendered. Every one got to back home

9 After the war!  After the war there was a lot of changes with political, cultural, economic, and social things. It even effected people not involved in the war. Cities were abolished and new ones were built, boundaries were redrawn and it changed a lot of peoples lives.

10 5 questions 1. What caused the war to begin? 2. When did it begin?
a. assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand b. Assassination of JFK c. Britain called war on us 2. When did it begin? a. January 14, 1914 C. July 28, 1914 c. May 14, 1915 3. Who was involved? a. Allies and converters b. Central powers and Allies c. Central powers and Converters 4.  Was the U.S involved? if so what side were they on?     a. No     b. Yes, central powers     c. Yes, Allies 5. When did it end?      a. November 10, 1918     b. November 11, 1918     c. December 13, 1919

11 5 questions 6. What does MAIN stand for when it comes to the causes of this war? a. Military, Central powers, Independ, Neutral b. Militarism, Allies, Imperialism, Nationalism.  c. Bombs, Alliances, Independence, Neutral 7. second Name for WW1? a. Great World War b. Military War c. WW2 8. Who Won? a. Central powers b. No one c. Allies 9. How many people died?      a. 10      b.103 thousand      c. 37 million  10.  Who was the leader of Germany before the war?       a. Kaiser Wilhelm II        b. Ferdinand       c. JFK

12 Answers! 1. The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand.
2. Began July 28, 1914. 3. Allies and Central powers 4. Yes, the U.S was involved. They were on the Allies side.  5. It ended November 11, 1918. 6. MAIN means, Militarism, Allies, Imperialism, Nationalism.  7. Great World War 8. The Allies won the war. 9. 37 million people died in the war. 10. Kaiser Wilhelm II was the leader of Germany. 

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