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Item 3.1 – Europe 2020 education headline indicators

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1 Item 3.1 – Europe 2020 education headline indicators
Sabine Gagel Eurostat F5 Education and Training Statistics Working Group – June 2014

2 EU 2020 education headline indicators
Two education headline indicators Early leavers from education and training Tertiary educational attainment (age group 30-34) Annual averages based on EU-LFS quarterly data 2013 estimates published on 26 February 2014 Based on Q4/2012 – Q3/2013 Relevant Working Groups consulted (LAMAS, ETS) 2013 results published on 11 April 2014 Press release (together with release of LFS 2013 annual results) 2015: same approach to be followed ISCED 2011: possible restrictions for estimates In-between updates (LFS revisions) Early July 2014 (exceptional, census revisions) Early October 2014 (regular) Education and Training Statistics Working Group – June 2014

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