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Parallel Workshops, 27 April, morning session Workshop 3:

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Presentation on theme: "Parallel Workshops, 27 April, morning session Workshop 3:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Parallel Workshops, 27 April, morning session Workshop 3: Cooperation with non-EU countries (EFTA, IPA, ENI & other non-EU countries) WELCOME!

2 14h30 - Bus transport to project venues
Agenda 9h – 11h - Parallel workshops in world café mode, led by the responsible advisory group 11h – 11h30 - Coffee break 11h30 – 13h - Parallel workshops – Continuation and switching of topic: First round (11:30-12:10) Second round (12:20-13:00) 13h – 14h30 - Lunch 14h30 - Bus transport to project venues 15:30 – 18:30 – Project Visits (Lithos / CypFire / Malta South Sewage Treatment Infrastructure) 18h30- 19h15 - Bus transport to InterContinental Hotel, St Julian's, just outside the meeting venue 20:00 – 22:00 - Networking dinner, Harruba restaurant, InterContinental Hotel, level 4

3 Introduction: Opening by the Core Team Gina McIntyre and Titus Carey,
Kristina Askovic, Danube, Adrion, Bulgaria-Serbia Titus Carey, France (Channel) England Ivana Lazic, Interact Gina McIntyre, PEACE and Interreg Northern Ireland/Northern Ireland/Scotland Rácz Péter, Hungary-Serbia Viktória Ratskó-Tóth, Hungary-Croatia Jelena Plavetić, Croatia-Bosnia&Herzegovina-Montenegro Georis Olja, Croatia-Bosnia&Herzegovina-Montenegro Odd Godal, European Commission Up to the group decide how to organize this part. Introduction: Gina McIntyre and Titus Carey,

4 Café Etiquette Play! Experiment! Improvise!

5 Core Team hosts, please raise your hands !

6 I’m the table host: what do I do?
Remain at the table when others leave. Welcome participants from other tables for the next round of conversation. Briefly share key insights from the prior conversation so others can link and build using ideas from their respective tables. Gently & as appropriate, encourage people at your table to share ideas, findings, challenges and questions as they emerge

7 please raise your hands!
Team hosts 2, please raise your hands! Blue stickers have to be put on the badges of hosts 2 to make them recognizable. We propose that is done on 27/04 am in the room. Stickers will be made available on the tables, that's the best option for us.

8 I’m the second table host; what do I do?
After the break - Remain in this room and at the table when others leave. Get ready to share key insights from the prior conversation so others can link and build using ideas from their respective tables.

9 What were the benefits and challenges?
Conversation 1 Have you any additional experiences that you can share with the group about cooperation between non-EU and EU countries? What were the benefits and challenges? 15’

10 Move to another table (except the hosts)

11 What opportunities exist to expand these programmes?
Conversation 2 What could be improved / implemented that would further support cooperation between non–EU and EU countries? What opportunities exist to expand these programmes? 15’

12 Move to another table (except the hosts)

13 What role could they undertake and how can we involve them?
Conversation 3 What other actors (regional, local, other programs, etc.) should be involved in this type of programme? What role could they undertake and how can we involve them? 15’

14 Move to another table (except the hosts)

15 Core Team, after the break, at 11h30, Join me here!

16 Team hosts 2 Please join me
Clarify this slide

17 After the break, at 11h30, explore the work of the other teams!
Please, join any other room: First round ->11:30-12:10 Second round -> 12:20-13:00

18 Room: Cettina de Cesare II
What are the topics of the other worskhops? WORKSHOP 1: Result orientation - What is a good project in the Interreg context? Room: Cettina de Cesare II WORKSHOP 2: How can Interreg programmes contribute to and benefit from the EU macro-regional strategies? Room: Saturn WORKSHOP 4: Territorial tools and structures for the post-2020 Room: Cettina de Cesare III


20 13h00 – 14h30 LUNCH TIME ! Afternoon programme: Project visits:
Bus departure to reach your chosen project visit is foreseen at 14:30 just outside the meeting venue…. Project visits: Lithos CypFire Malta South Sewage Treatment Infrastructure After the project visits: 20:00 to 22:00: Networking dinner, Harruba restaurant, Intercontinental hotel, level 4 What visit I selected? Just check your badge!

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