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Chapter 1 Section 1.

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1 Chapter 1 Section 1

2 Chapter 1: Matter & Change
Section 1: Chemistry is a Physical Science Natural sciences are divided into two categories: ____________ sciences and ___________ sciences. ___________ __________ are the main focus of the biological sciences and physical sciences focus on ____________ __________.

3 Chapter 1: Matter & Change
Section 1: Chemistry is a Physical Science Natural sciences are divided into two categories: Biological sciences and Physical sciences. ___________ __________ are the main focus of the biological sciences and physical sciences focus on ____________ __________.

4 Chapter 1: Matter & Change
Section 1: Chemistry is a Physical Science Natural sciences are divided into two categories: Biological sciences and Physical sciences. Living things are the main focus of the biological sciences and physical sciences focus on ____________ __________.

5 Chapter 1: Matter & Change
Section 1: Chemistry is a Physical Science Natural sciences are divided into two categories: Biological sciences and Physical sciences. Living things are the main focus of the biological sciences and physical sciences focus on non-living things.

6 Chapter 1: Matter & Change
Section 1: Chemistry is a Physical Science Chemistry is the study of the ______________, ____________ and ____________ of matter, the __________ that matter undergoes, and the ____________ changes that accompany these processes. Instruments are routinely used to extend our ability to observe and make measurements. (Example: ___________ _________ microscope)

7 Chapter 1: Matter & Change
Section 1: Chemistry is a Physical Science Chemistry is the study of the composition, structure and properties of matter, the __________ that matter undergoes, and the ____________ changes that accompany these processes. Instruments are routinely used to extend our ability to observe and make measurements. (Example: ___________ _________ microscope)

8 Chapter 1: Matter & Change
Section 1: Chemistry is a Physical Science Chemistry is the study of the composition, structure and properties of matter, changes the that matter undergoes, and the energy changes that accompany these processes. Instruments are routinely used to extend our ability to observe and make measurements.

9 Chapter 1: Matter & Change
Chemistry is the study of the composition, structure and properties of matter, changes the that matter undergoes, and the energy changes that accompany these processes. Instruments are routinely used to extend our ability to observe and make measurements. (Example: scanning electron microscope)

10 Chapter 1: Matter & Change
Section 1: Chemistry is a Physical Science I. Branches of Chemistry: __________ Chemistry – study of most _______-containing compounds. ____________ Chemistry – the study of ____-organic substances, many which have organic fragments bonded to metal (_______________). Physical Chemistry – the study of the ____________ and ___________ of matter and their relation to _________. ______________ Chemistry – the identification of the components and ____________ of materials.

11 Chapter 1: Matter & Change
Section 1: Chemistry is a Physical Science I. Branches of Chemistry: Organic Chemistry – study of most carbon-containing compounds. ____________ Chemistry – the study of ____-organic substances, many which have organic fragments bonded to metal (_______________). Physical Chemistry – the study of the ____________ and ___________ of matter and their relation to _________. ______________ Chemistry – the identification of the components and ____________ of materials.

12 Chapter 1: Matter & Change
Section 1: Chemistry is a Physical Science I. Branches of Chemistry: Organic Chemistry – study of most carbon-containing compounds. Inorganic Chemistry – the study of non-organic substances, many which have organic fragments bonded to metal (organometallics). Physical Chemistry – the study of the ____________ and ___________ of matter and their relation to _________. ______________ Chemistry – the identification of the components and ____________ of materials.

13 Chapter 1: Matter & Change
Section 1: Chemistry is a Physical Science I. Branches of Chemistry: Organic Chemistry – study of most carbon-containing compounds. Inorganic Chemistry – the study of non-organic substances, many which have organic fragments bonded to metal (organometallics). Physical Chemistry – the study of the properties and changes of matter and their relation to energy. ______________ Chemistry – the identification of the components and ____________ of materials.

14 Chapter 1: Matter & Change
Section 1: Chemistry is a Physical Science Branches of Chemistry: 1. Organic Chemistry – study of most carbon-containing compounds. 2. Inorganic Chemistry – the study of non-organic substances, many which have organic fragments bonded to metal (organometallics). 3. Physical Chemistry – the study of the properties and changes of matter and their relation to energy. 4. Analytical Chemistry – the identification of the components and composition of materials.

15 Chapter 1: Matter & Change
Section 1: Chemistry is a Physical Science Branches of Chemistry: (Continued) 5. Biochemistry – the study of substances and ___________ occurring in living things. 6. ____________ Chemistry – the use of mathematics and computers to understand the principles behind observed ___________ ____________ and to design and __________ the properties of new compounds.

16 Chapter 1: Matter & Change
Section 1: Chemistry is a Physical Science Branches of Chemistry: (Continued) 5. Biochemistry – the study of substances and processes occurring in living things. 6. ____________ Chemistry – the use of mathematics and computers to understand the principles behind observed ___________ ____________ and to design and __________ the properties of new compounds.

17 Chapter 1: Matter & Change
Section 1: Chemistry is a Physical Science Branches of Chemistry: (Continued) 5. Biochemistry – the study of substances and processes occurring in living things. 6. Theoretical Chemistry – the use of mathematics and computers to understand the principles behind observed chemical behaviors and to design and predict the properties of new compounds.

18 Chapter 1: Matter & Change
Section 1: Chemistry is a Physical Science - Chemical – any substance that has a definite ___________________. Knowing the properties of chemicals allows chemists to find suitable uses for them. (Example: _______ ________)

19 Chapter 1: Matter & Change
Section 1: Chemistry is a Physical Science - Chemical – any substance that has a definite composition. Knowing the properties of chemicals allows chemists to find suitable uses for them. (Example: Cane Sugar)

20 Chapter 1: Matter & Change
Section 1: Chemistry is a Physical Science Type of Research Basic Research – carried out for the sake of _____________ _______________, such as how and why a specific reaction occurs and what the properties of a substance are. Applied Research – generally carried out to _______ __ __________. (Example: Refrigerants that escape into the atmosphere – research has been used to find new refrigerants that won’t cause health problems.) Technological Development – involves the ____________ and use of products that improve our quality of life. (Examples: ______________ & _____________ Materials)

21 Chapter 1: Matter & Change
Section 1: Chemistry is a Physical Science Type of Research Basic Research – carried out for the sake of increasing knowledge, such as how and why a specific reaction occurs and what the properties of a substance are. Applied Research – generally carried out to _______ __ __________. (Example: Refrigerants that escape into the atmosphere – research has been used to find new refrigerants that won’t cause health problems.) Technological Development – involves the ____________ and use of products that improve our quality of life. (Examples: ______________ & _____________ Materials)

22 Chapter 1: Matter & Change
Section 1: Chemistry is a Physical Science Type of Research Basic Research – carried out for the sake of increasing knowledge, such as how and why a specific reaction occurs and what the properties of a substance are. Applied Research – generally carried out to solve a problem. Example: Refrigerants that escape into the atmosphere – research has been used to find new refrigerants that won’t cause health problems.

23 Chapter 1: Matter & Change
Section 1: Chemistry is a Physical Science Type of Research Technological Development – involves the ____________ and use of products that improve our quality of life. (Examples: ______________ & _____________ Materials) Basic research, applied research, and technological development often overlap – discoveries made in basic research may lead to applications that result in new technologies and problems with these technologies lead to applied research.

24 Chapter 1: Matter & Change
Section 1: Chemistry is a Physical Science Type of Research Technological Development – involves the production and use of products that improve our quality of life. (Examples: Computers & Biodegradable Materials) Basic research, applied research, and technological development often overlap – discoveries made in basic research may lead to applications that result in new technologies and problems with these technologies lead to applied research.

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