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Advent: a time of waiting

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1 Advent: a time of waiting
Assembly - Monday 12th December 2016 Advent: a time of waiting Yesterday was the 1st Sunday in Advent Advent: a time of waiting 1st part of Advent: is about waiting for Jesus Christ to come again as he has promised

2 Light the Advent candle one  Now the waiting has begun  We have started on our way  Time to think of Christmas day.  Chorus:  Candle, candle burning bright  Shining in the cold winter night  Candle, candle burning bright  Fill our hearts with Christmas light.  Advent wreath

3 Light the Advent candle two  Think of humble shepherds who  Filled with wonder at the sight  Of the child on Christmas night.  Chorus:  Candle, candle burning bright  Shining in the cold winter night  Candle, candle burning bright  Fill our hearts with Christmas light. Advent wreath

4 Light the Advent candle three  Think of heavenly harmony  Angels singing "Peace on Earth"  At the Blessed Saviour's birth. Chorus:  Candle, candle burning bright  Shining in the cold winter night  Candle, candle burning bright  Fill our hearts with Christmas light. Advent wreath

5 Advent wreath Light the Advent candle four; Think of joy forevermore
Christ – child in a stable born, Gift of love that Christ – mas morn.  Chorus:  Candle, candle burning bright  Shining in the cold winter night  Candle, candle burning bright  Fill our hearts with Christmas light. Advent wreath

6 Gospel reading taken from Matthew 1: 18-24
Counting down the days

7 “Joseph, do not be afraid to take Mary as your wife
“Joseph, do not be afraid to take Mary as your wife. It is by the power of the Holy Spirit that she is going to have a son. You are to give him the name Jesus because he will save his people from their sins.” Joseph and Mary trusted in God. Counting down the days

8 Lord Jesus, You came to save us from sin
Lord Jesus, You came to save us from sin. May we always rejoice in your salvation and trust in your plan for our lives. Amen

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