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SHAD-North White Bison Program

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Presentation on theme: "SHAD-North White Bison Program"— Presentation transcript:

1 SHAD-North White Bison Program
Presented by Jason James MS For the Black Hills Mental Health Substance Abuse Collaborative Semi-Annual Community Engagement Forum August 17, 2011

2 Substance Abuse Cultural Curriculum to Strengthen
Personal Awareness Empathy Values and Choices Identity and Pride Commitment to health Sobriety

3 White Bison Program History
Developed and delivered by SHAD-North Native American staff Initially funded by SD DADA Utilizes materials with permission from White Bison ( Combined with materials originally developed by Dr. Duane Mackey for educating counselors about Native American experience Groups started September 2010

4 Format Weekly 2-hour aftercare (mixed) groups
Clients are referred from DOC Adult Re-entry Program and other sources Can take up to 30 clients Native American staff North Rapid location

5 Topics Wellness Pledge Fear and Sex Inventory Assessment
Step Five: Integrity TX Planning Step Six: Willingness Aftercare Items Self-Image Goals Step Seven: Humility Red Road Approach Wolakota Comfort Zones Indian Ways Using the Twelve Steps Step Eight: Forgiveness Internalized Oppression Step Nine: Justice Prejudicial Terms Step Ten: Perseverance NA Treatment Schedule Relapse Teachings of the Medicine Wheel: The Twelve Steps in a Circle Step Eleven: Spiritual Awareness Step Twelve: Service Walking the Red Road Healing Forest Overview of the 12 Steps Seven Philosophies for a Native American Man Step One: Honesty Seven Values of Lakota Life Mind Mapping White Buffalo Calf Woman Step Two: Hope Family Relationships Key Areas Split Feathers Step Three: Faith Diabetes Align Your Spirit and Intent Step Four: Courage

6 Typical Session Agenda
Smudge Check In Topic Discussion Post-Test Group Note Closing with Prayer/Song/Drum

7 Developing an Evidence-Based Program for Native American Clients
Qualitative methods used Each weekly topic has specific feedback questions (pre- and post- session) Example from Session One MEASUREMENTS: 1=Strongly Disagree 2=Disagree 3=Neutral 4=Agree 5=Strongly Agree  I feel I have a good understanding of myself in terms of my culture and heritage. I would like to learn more about my culture and heritage. It is important to me to use cultural activities and beliefs in my healing journey. I feel confident about my ability to stay clean and sober. I use the resources in my community to build a better life. I know the cultural resources in my community. I know the recovery resources in my community. My culture will help me stay sober. I work a program of recovery. I am willing to change.

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