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Linking Cultural and Natural Heritage – the role of Natura 2000"

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Presentation on theme: "Linking Cultural and Natural Heritage – the role of Natura 2000""— Presentation transcript:

1 Linking Cultural and Natural Heritage – the role of Natura 2000"
NADEG meeting of 22 October 2015

2 Linking natural and cultural heritage
Several recent events/activitiesl Conference and charter of Rome 11/2014 Conference on cultural landscapes in N2000" 10/2015 GW 2015 session Cultural assets among key N2000 benefits, mentioned in new ESIF Activities to promote the value of cultural heritage in Europe Commission Communication "Towards an integrated approach to cultural heritage for Europe" Various EU projects (e.g. by Europa Nostra, RTD FP7) Activities by other international bodies (CoE, UNESCO, …) e

3 Natura 2000 and cultural heritage
Cultural landscapes: "the combined works of nature and man" Ecosystems in N2000 sites often result from interaction with human activity or depend on it Many species and habitats with cultural significance Significant spatial overlap of N2000 and cultural sites, benefitting from multiple designations Biodiversity and cultural assets often subject to same threats, hence need integrated management Benefits of integrated management of N2000 and cultural sites – opportunities for win-win

4 Natura 2000 and cultural heritage – next steps
Scoping study Review of Links and Complementarity between Natura 2000 and Cultural Sites Great potential for synergies – options for follow-up Incl: Strengthen links with the "cultural" agenda - further case studies - geo-referenced database - dedicated workshop Does the NADEG support further work? What are the best options / next steps to do so? Examples within the Member States of integrated management of Natura 2000 and cultural sites?

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