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1 Buddhism

2 Founding of Buddhism The founder of Buddhism was Siddhartha Gautama. He was born around 566 BC He spent the first 30 years of his life as a prince in a palace, completely unaware of the outside world At age 30, he traveled outside the palace walls and saw things new to him (old age, sickness, death) He gave up all his wealth and life of luxury to find the cause of human suffering His discoveries led to the beginnings of Buddhism

3 Founding of Buddhism Rather than looking outward for suffering, he looked inward It is said that Gautama fasted under a tree for 49 days to find the answers After the 49 days, he believed that he found the roots of suffering He spend the next 45 years teaching his findings His following called him “The Enlightened One”, or Buddha

4 Suffering Buddha believed the following desires led to suffering Power
Wealth Pleasure By giving up selfish desires, a person can be free of suffering To end suffering, a person can follow “The Eightfold Path” or sometimes called “The Middle Way”

5 The Eightfold Path Right View: Understanding of the Four Nobel Truths
1. Life is suffering; 2. Suffering is due to attachment; 3. Attachment can be overcome; 4. There is a path for accomplishing this Right Intentions: True Desire to free one from attachment and hate

6 The Eightfold Path Right Speech: Do not lie, gossip, or talk in a hurtful way Right Action: Do not take part in hurtful behaviors (stealing, killing, etc…) Right Livelihood: Make your living in a way that avoids lying and hurting others (animals included) Right Effort: Have a good attitude and avoid having a negative attitude

7 The Eightfold Path Right Mindfulness: Being aware of your own body, feelings, and thoughts to overcome negative feelings Right Concentration: Meditating in a way to think deeply to find answers to problems

8 Buddhism Simplified Learn to be wise, behave correctly, and develop your mind Act unselfishly towards others and treat people fairly Tell the truth Avoid violence and the killing of any living thing

9 Teachings If the Buddha’s path is followed, people will reach Nirvana (lasting peace) Reaching Nirvana will break the cycle of reincarnation Buddhism taught that all people are equal Anyone can follow Buddhism, regardless of social class

10 The End Buddha would teach throughout northeast India for another 45 years He died at the age of 80 He last words were “Impermanent are all created things. Strive on with awareness.” He is not referred to as a god

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