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Senior Project Presentations 2018

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1 Senior Project Presentations 2018

2 The Entrance You want to WOW those judges when you step into the room. The following tips will help you achieve this: Walk into the room, and close the door. Introduce yourself with a smile. Shake all of the judges’ hands. Open your presentation. The apple TV code will be on the board. Take a deep breath. Be YOU!  Sell your dream!

3 A Few Things… I am about to give you a BASIC example on how to create your presentation. However, I want you to add YOU into your presentation. Don’t copy everything you see on my slides. Create YOUR own. We don’t want to bore the judges. Be creative! Be YOU! Each room will have an Honorable Mention/Judges’ Favorite Winner. If that is you, you will receive a 100 test replacement grade. You will not win by simply copying my slides. Your practice presentation counts as a test grade.

4 On a date in the future, you will receive a form with your presentation time, classroom, and wardrobe information. You are expected to be EARLY for your presentation. Yes, you are allowed to use notecards, but DO NOT STARE AT THEM. Do not be afraid or ashamed to sell your dream! There will be one judge (probably an RHS teacher) that will “keep time” by showing you a time card at each minute. Remember, your presentation has to fall between 3-5 minutes. All presentations will take place on the 400 Hall.

5 You need to be prepared in case technology fails.
Don’t Freak Out But… You need to be prepared in case technology fails.

6 You are now in the room. You have shown your biggest and brightest smile. The judges know your name. Now, it is time to show them what you are all about. It’s SHOWTIME!!!

7 The Presentation

8 Name School Name Career Personal Picture
1st Slide… Name School Name Career Personal Picture

9 2nd Slide… Again, you are selling your dream, and you are trying to leave an impression on those judges, so show them who you are!! Suggestions: This could be an “About Me” slide. List bullets telling about yourself. Add pictures. MAKE IT INTERESTING!!

10 Career Slide… This is where your Project Portfolio comes in handy. You have to display the knowledge you have obtained about your chosen career path. You must explain why you chose your particular career. This would be a great place to share an anecdote about why you chose to be a nurse etc. You could use bullets.

11 Resume Information… List bullets to explain your current skills.
Explain how those particular skills will help you in your career field.

12 Job Shadowing Experience…
Discuss your experience. Include where you went and who you shadowed. Include pictures. Explain each picture.

13 Education and Training…
List what is required for your career. You must lay out your 5 Year Plan. What school do you plan to attend? What are your plans after graduation if you go straight into the work force? Use the information from your portfolio!!

14 Awards and Achievements

15 Ask if they have any questions. Smile as you exit the room.
Thank You… Thank the judges. Ask if they have any questions. Smile as you exit the room.

16 Rubric The judges will have a copy of the rubric that is in your senior packet. I suggest to adhere to it. Your classmates will use them when they “judge” your practice presentation as well.

17 Presentation Video Examples…

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