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22.10.2018 Brussels Updating the Key Concepts Document on the Period of Reproduction and Prenuptial Migration of Huntable Species.

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Presentation on theme: "22.10.2018 Brussels Updating the Key Concepts Document on the Period of Reproduction and Prenuptial Migration of Huntable Species."— Presentation transcript:

1 Brussels Updating the Key Concepts Document on the Period of Reproduction and Prenuptial Migration of Huntable Species

2 Priority A, Action 1 of Nature Action Plan
Why is there a need for updating: New knowledge Climate change Discrepancies between Member States

3 What’s new in data collection & submission?
Traceability of references Use of new source of information (citizen science and ringing data) Guidelines for Member States on how to use the Bird Portals (EuroBird Portal and national/regional portals) Hopefully, enhanced involvement of stakeholders at Member State level. Checklist for birds under Article 12 reporting ( ) = reference for the list of birds to report on Article 12 reporting data ( ) used as source of information for some sections of the document Large MSs can split their territory into max. 3 parts

4 Main issues to be reported remain the same

5 What is new?

6 Processing of data from MSs
Data will be assessed: to identify obvious errors to verify completeness to check consistency across MSs If no data from a MS, then EC uses current data MSs data will be merged into an EU database A temporary expert group may assist the process

7 Timing 01/07/ /10/2018: MS collect data in collaboration with stakeholders Technical support to MS provided by EC Each MS submits its database by 31/10/2018 11/ /2019: processing and assessing data & preparation of the draft updated KCD Spring 2019: meeting of the temporary group of experts if needed Draft updated KCD (introduction and data) with an improved presentation sent for consultation in spring 2019 05/2019: discussion at the NADEG meeting 07/2019: final draft approved by NADEG 12/12: adoption of the document by the Commission

8 Thank you! © Petri Ahlroth

9 Data collection and submission
General principles re. data still valid: Earliest period retained (between-year variations, differences between different parts of a MS) Earliest migration population (several population of the same species) Extreme, outlying and erratic data excluded… Unchanged: data reported in decades (start & end of spring migration and start & end of reproduction period) Unchanged: MSs asked to report data for all huntable species listed in Annex II of BD occurring on their territory Unchanged: Need to use the most up-to-date and reliable source of scientific information

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