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Journey Centric Delivery Day 1 Live Plan

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1 Journey Centric Delivery Day 1 Live Plan

2 Day 1 Live Plan – What is different for the business ?
Customer Journey : Loan origination. Callers to our contact centre will be taken through a new fact- find which will recommend a loan product, and start the application for the product. Business benefits : Reduce time to apply for a loan by 20% by reducing re-keying. Record fact find against the Loan for regulatory reporting. Systems Change : stop using the current excel based fact find, which means we can prove responsible lending more easily in the future. Loan applications will be auto started from the fact find. Expected Users : 50 model office, ramping to 300 over 3 months as we train. Expected Customers : All existing customers who call to request a loan. NOT new customers in this phase. Data Migration : None. The current excel fact find will be archived, and future responsible lending reports will be done from the new system Future phases : Expand fact find process to capture the information to apply for the recommended loan product, so we can auto complete the loan in the current systems and “wrap and renew” – keep using the current systems with a faster, automated front end. Timescales : First go live 90 calendar days after the project kick-off. Subsequent go lives every days. Training : 1 day onsite training for all staff just prior to go live. Four ops staff will work as developers to be able to maintain the system after go live. Software projects tend to focus on what the software is to do, rather than how the business will use it. This makes it hard for the business to understand who and what will be impacted at Go Live. This Day 1 Live Plan gives a simple summary of what will be different on the first day of live usage from the perspective of the business. As such, it does not focus on interfaces, or testing, or hardware, or functionality. It describes how the business will change and be affected. It is intended as all of : A aid during sales to describe how the business will be affected A statement of scope to be reviewed during every executive governance meeting, as the basis to decide if we are delivering on the goals A training tool to assist with the business change management goals A development tool, to guide sprint planning and development decisions Ultimately this forms the basis for the change management plan It is prepared by the Solution Consultant and Practice Leader during the sale, forms part of the proposal clinic, and is maintained and updated by the Engagement Leader or Practice Leader. This covers just the functionality for the next MLP to be delivered - not the entire project, and is typically used as part of the acceptance criteria.  

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