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Lessons we can learn from one part of God’s Creation

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Presentation on theme: "Lessons we can learn from one part of God’s Creation"— Presentation transcript:

1 Lessons we can learn from one part of God’s Creation
Tomatoes and the Truth Lessons we can learn from one part of God’s Creation

2 An Ode to the Tomato I Thank You Lord for letting me see
All that a tomato can possibly be; For it’s a fruit with lessons to understand About Your love and redemptive plan!

3 Tomatoes and Christian start in the same way- from a SEED
Both have to be planted, watered, nourished (Lk. 8:11-15) There has to be a death The germination of a seed There has to be a death to self (Rom. 6:2) Tomatoes may be produced hydroponically, but it still takes seed Christians can only be “grown” one way (Jn. 15:1-8/Rom. 6:3-14)

4 Tomatoes are Universal and So Are Christians
Tomatoes are grown throughout the world and in all fifty states. The Gospel is meant to be preached in all the to all the world (Matt. 28:19,20 It has been done once (Col. 1:23) and it is meant to be done again!

5 Shapes, varieties, and colors and so do Christians
Tomatoes come in all Shapes, varieties, and colors and so do Christians 10-25,000 varieties of tomatoes are said to exist throughout the world What is the significance of Galatians 3:27? Still, some have the impression the Gospel is designed only for a special group… but what about Romans 15:1-6?

6 Tomatoes aids the health of the body and Christians can
produce health in society Tomatoes have been called the miracle fruit. Why? Christians have traits that benefit the Kingdom and society in various ways Salt Light talents

7 …and Christians need time to mature! Tomatoes need time to ripen… Would an unripe tomato have any worth? Most would prefer them to fully ripen to gain the full flavor. Does a “babe in Christ have any worth? Doesn’t Christ expect us to “mature” so that we use our ability to their fullest (Heb. 5:12-14)

8 Tomatoes can be marred by nature…Christians can be marred by the world.
Tomatoes can have some of their “beauty” marred by insects, birds, heat, etc., but do such things render the fruit worthless? Christians can have some of their spiritual “beauty” marred by sin, but does that render them worthless in the sight of God? (1 Jn. 1:5-10)

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