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Company Introduction.

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1 Company Introduction

2 What is the game of actual life?
The Game of Actual Life (G.O.A.L) is a life skills education program currently aimed at primary school children. We provide young children with the opportunity to gain invaluable life skills for childhood and adulthood. We are a community interest company (C.I.C)

3 The children are given jobs and a weekly salary (play money)
How do we do this? The children are given jobs and a weekly salary (play money) They then use this money to make purchases and pay bills such as cars and food shopping that give them a realistic experience of what’s to come in adult life.

4 A sample of What we cover
Buying a house Managing a bank account Needs Vs Wants Creating a CV Getting a job UK politics Shopping on a budget Making your own business Buying a car Household bills, Water, Electric, Gas Nutrition

5 How we provide our programme
39 Week Curriculum Time Program As an afterschool club GOAL In A Day/Week, 9am-3pm

6 GOAL Keepers All GOAL products are underpinned by 5 Keepers… KEEP LEARNING-Our sessions are all designed to enable children to apply the basic skills expected of them within the national curriculum, to real life. Real attention is given to ‘the soft skills’ required of children when they reach the world of work. KEEP IN CREDIT-Children learn the basics of money management through a tried and tested financial education programme. The tricky aspects of maths such as %, ratio, decimal calculation etc. are all given a real life focus as children manage their ‘GOAL’ bank accounts, mortgages and pensions. KEEP FIT-There are numerous opportunities for children to make choices around exercise and nutrition. Children learn how what they do now, impacts on their life chances. KEEP SAFE-The programme looks to continually promote how children can keep themselves safe when at home, out and about or online. KEEP CALM-Opportunities to practise mindfulness, enabling resilience when facing the challenges life offers.

7 English as a second language Colleges and Universities
FUTURE Programmes Secondary schools English as a second language Colleges and Universities

8 Company Ambition Here at the Game Of Actual Life, our G.O.A.L is to provide children with key life skills in health, wealth and happiness that lets them thrive to achieve the best version of themselves.

9 Any Questions?

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