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The EEA’s energy efficiency index

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1 The EEA’s energy efficiency index
Dr. Anca-Diana Barbu 25 February 2016 , EEA Scientific Committee Seminar

2 Tracking progress towards energy efficiency targets
In the Trends and projections report, the EEA measures the distance between actual performance and a linear pathway towards the national target for primary energy consumption over the period

3 The energy efficiency index enriches the discussion on progress
Assess progress in the implementation of policies and measures to reach national energy efficiency targets mandatory measures under the EED other policies Complement the single indicator currently used by the EEA in the Trends and projections report.

4 Structure of the index Performance indicators: 5 main sectors
Sectoral contribution to the national target Energy performance and intensity indicators Horizontal performance indicators Policy development indicators

5 Methodology

6 Performance index: energy transformation
ID Indicator Unit Source PE1 Efficiency of conventional thermal generation % EEA ENER019 PE2 Share of energy from renewable sources (RES) Eurostat (nrg_ind_335a)  PE3 Share of CHP in total electricity generation Eurostat PE4 Combined Heat and Power (CHP) heat production TJ PE5 Transformation output of district heating Eurostat (B_101109) / ENER19 PE6 Final energy consumption / Primary energy consumption TJ/TJ Current indicators: PE1, PE3, PE4 Alternative indicators: PE2,PE5,PE6 Issues currently under consideration: PE2 overlaps with one indicator under the horizontal component + includes effects of biomass and geothermal in increasing primary energy PE6 could penalise over time countries that prioritise geothermal energy, heat pumps, biomass and nuclear.

7 Performance index: industry
ID Indicator Unit Source PI1 Distance to target – FEC Industry TJ Eurostat (tsdpc320) PI2 Industry energy intensity using GVA, corrected for economic structure and ppp TJ/EUR Odyssee PI3 ODEX Energy efficiency indicator for industry sector Index (2005=100) Issues currently under consideration: sectoral contribution to the national energy efficiency target

8 Performance index: residential
Indicator Unit Source PR1 Distance to target – FEC Residential, climate corrected TJ Eurostat/ EEA ENER016 PR2 Final energy consumption per m2, with climatic corrections and scaled to European climate TJ/ m2 Eurostat/ Odyssee PR3 Electricity consumption per dwelling with climate corrections KWh/ dwelling Odyssee PR4 Space heating and water heating per dwelling, with climate corrections TJ/ dwelling Current indicators: PR1, PR2 Alternative indicators: PR3, PR4 Issues currently under consideration: Sectoral contribution to the national target Reflect electricity consumption per dwelling and heat consumption per dwelling individually? (PR3 and PR4 could replace PR2)

9 Performance index: services
ID Indicator Unit Source PS1 Distance to target – FEC services, climate corrected TJ Eurostat (tsdpc320) Odyssee PS2 Electricity consumption per employee KWh/ employee PS3 Final energy consumption per employee, climate corrected TJ/ employee PS4 Energy consumption per gross value added, climate corrected at PPP TJ/EUR PS5 Total energy for space heating with climate corrections per employee Current indicators: PS1,PS3,PS4 Alternative indicators: PS2,PS5 Issues currently under consideration: Sectoral contribution to the national target Separate trends for electricity and heat in the service sector? (PS2 and PS5 could replace PS3)

10 Performance index: transport
ID Indicator Unit Source PT1 Distance to target - FEC transport TJ Eurostat (tsdpc320) PT2 Energy intensity of passenger transport (motorised modes) TJ per passenger-km Odyssee PT3 Energy intensity of goods transport TJ per tonne-km Issues currently under consideration: Sectoral contribution to the national target International transport included in PT1 but not in PT2 and PT3

11 Horizontal index Issues currently under consideration:
Indicator Unit Source H1 Distance to EU PEC target indicator TJ Eurostat nrg_ind_334a or EEA ENER 026 H1’ Distance to EU FEC target indicator H2 RES contribution to reducing PEC % EEA H3 Energy intensity of the EU economy (adjusted for climate, ppp and economic structure) TJ/ Million EUR Odyssee Issues currently under consideration: Distance to target at sectoral and horizontal levels: introducing a large bias?

12 Policy development index
Requirement Score: 1 Score: 0 / 0.5 Source Transposition of EED - Art.7 Yes No DG ENER Transposition of EED - Art 8 CA EED report Availability of intermediate targets for NZEBs (for 2015) DG ENER NZEB progress report Increased level of ambition - FEC target - PEC target DG ENER EE target progress report National building renovation strategies - Public building inventories - Cost-effective approach to renovation - Forward-looking investments - Cost-effective renovation - Expected energy savings and wider benefits   Yes High Low Accumulated impact of key policies Odyssee Mure policy scoreboard Level of compliance/implementation of EED, EPBD, Ecodesign/labelling and other directives Issues currently under consideration: Different policy cycles (dynamics) Accurate representation of key policies Consistency of baselines Policy interactions Availability of info. on policy evaluations

13 EIONET review Level of aggregation: some countries expressed concerns over an overall EU index Sectoral targets: Splitting the target in final energy consumption by sectors: questions over the legitimacy of this approach given the flexibilities included in the EED; Indicator adequacy: concerns regarding the adequacy of some indicators due to either availability of data (e.g. transport, services) or due to the fact that they could penalise countries using different energy sources (e.g. transformation sector); proposals for new indicators; Heating indicators: different opinions how to take into account the difference in climate for different countries; inclusion of cooling was raised; Measurement units used: need to be appropriate for what we aim to measure National data comparability: There have been some concerns over the fact that national data is not necessarily comparable given that countries may use different definitions.

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