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Safe Dance practices Clue * means it's on the quiz!

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1 Safe Dance practices Clue * means it's on the quiz!
Ms. Beristain DA.912.H.3.3

2 What to do before dancing or any sport?
*STRETCH*: Stretching is a general term used to describe any therapeutic maneuver designed to increase the extensibility of soft tissues, thereby elongating (lengthening) structures that have adaptively shortened and have become hypomobile over time.

3 Why do we stretch?! *Injury Reduction*
Dancer’s can avoid injuries by following these simple rules Find a proper dance environment (make sure you are dancing on proper dance floor to avoid knee injuries) example of non dance floors; cement, wood, and tile. Stretch before and after dance class. Stretching and warming up muscles is crucial for all dancers to avoid injury.

4 How can *Proper nutrition* Help dancers?!
Proper nutrition is key for dancers! Dancers are constantly training which takes a toll on muscles and joints, healthy eating habits improves the recovery from such strain. Nutrition helps students psychologically Proper nutrition increases a dancer’s energy, concentration and focus.

5 *How to extend participation*
Following these simple steps will allow dancers to live a healthy lifestyle and prevent injury causing them to have a longer dance career.

6 Review!!! (look into your notes)
What is your definition of stretching? What should dancers and any sport member do before performing? Why is it important to stretch? What are the benefits of proper nutrition? What are the 3 key components dancers must have and know for injury reduction, performance enhancement, & longevity of participation? Review!!! (look into your notes)

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