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Paper Title First name I. Last name1, First name I. Last name2

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1 Paper Title First name I. Last name1, First name I. Last name2 1. Company/University name, Department name, Street Address, City, State and zip code if applicable; 2. Company/University name, Department name, Street Address, City, State and zip code if applicable. Introduction: Get the viewer interested in the issue that you are addressing. Keep background information to a minimum and focus on writing a concise hypothesis of your research work. Placing a picture in the introduction could also convey your idea more clearly to the viewers. Results: Present your results and findings based on the simulation work. Address your hypothesis and present your results in the form of simulated graphics of your model, tables and graphs. Figure 1. Title of the figure Figure 3. Title of the figure Figure 4. Title of the figure Finite Element Methods: Describe your approach to the problem at hand. It might be a good idea to show the important equations that you are solving for. You may also refer to the physics interfaces that you used for the simulation. This could be a good place to introduce the geometry and describe the conditions that define the problem. Variable Value Units Density 1000 Kg/m3 Dynamic Viscosity 1 Pa.s Diffusion Coefficient 0.5 m2/s Shear Modulus 200 Pa Table 1. Title of the table Figure 5. Title of the figure Conclusions: State whether your hypothesis was supported by your work. Briefly discuss the relevance and impact of your findings to real world applications. You can also mention the future direction of your work. References: Author, Article Title, Journal, Volume, Page numbers (year) Author, Article Title, Journal, Volume, Page numbers, (year) Figure 2. Title of the figure International Conference on Advances in Design & Manufacturing 2014 National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli

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