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Classical Conditioning

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1 Classical Conditioning
First Hour – How is behaviour altered by classical conditioning? Paradigms of classical conditioning Pavlov’s Dog Advertising and classical conditioning Optimal presentation of the CS and the US Extensions of classical conditioning Aversive vs. appetitive conditioning Conditioning and extinction Generalization and discrimination

2 Classical Conditioning
Classical conditioning is the learning process in which an originally neutral stimulus becomes associated with a reflexive physiological response that the stimulus did not originally produce.

3 1. Pre-conditioning Trials:
tone CS ? (orientation response) food US UR salivation 2. Conditioning Trials 3. Post-conditioning Trials: tone CS CR salivation 1 2 food US UR salivation

4 1. Pre-conditioning Trials:
Virginia Slims CS ? (orientation response) Desirable personality US UR “I feel good about myself” Conditioning Trials - Seeing the ad many times 3. Post-conditioning Trials: Virginia Slims CS CR “I feel good about myself” Desirable Personality UR “I feel good about myself” US

5 Time Simultaneous CS Forward CS Trace CS Backward CS US Temporal CS
Presentation of the CS (tone) and the US (shock) Simultaneous CS Forward CS Trace CS Backward CS US Temporal CS Time

6 Aversive vs. Appetitive conditioning
Aversive conditioning: (for example fear conditioning) tone CS CR heart rate change, etc. US shock UR Appetitive conditioning: (for example salivary conditioning) tone CS CR salivation food US UR

7 Conditioning and extinction
CS + US (acquisition) CS alone (extinction) 15 30 45 60 75 90 100 Trials CR strength appetitive (intensely) aversive

8 Post-conditioning tests for generalization
Original CS 15 30 45 60 75 90 100 Stimulus change from original CS CR strength Stimulus Generalization Gradients appetitive (intensely) aversive

9 Classical conditioning involves involuntary, reflexive behaviours that are elicited from the organism. These behaviours are familiar behaviours – performed in response to a previously neutral stimulus.

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