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Síceolaíocht |Psychology

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Presentation on theme: "Síceolaíocht |Psychology"— Presentation transcript:

1 Síceolaíocht |Psychology
Síceolaíocht |Psychology School of Psychology Arts Millennium Building Extension Dr Michael Hogan (Room 1034) Visiting students coordinator

2 Where are we? Psychology

3 What are we? Psychology is the scientific study of behaviour and mental processes, and includes individual and social, human and animal, normal and abnormal aspects Main research themes in the School are are Health and Wellbeing and Brain and Behaviour and our teaching is informed by this research focus

4 Modules What do we offer? Module (Coordinator)
PS122 Introduction to Psychology 1 (Ms Anne Marie Keane)  PS137 Introduction to Research Methods in Psychology (Ms Anne Marie Keane) Full academic year students only  PS1100 Critical and Collaborative Thinking (Dr Michael Hogan) Full academic year students only  PS220 Psychology of Learning (Dr Ian Stewart)  PS322 Health Psychology (Ms Anne Marie Keane) PS219 Research Methods (Dr Jane Walsh)   PS334 Applied Behaviour Analysis (Dr Geraldine Leader)  PS338 Theories of Personality (Dr Sinéad Conneely)  PS342 Introduction to Positive Psychology (Dr Michael Hogan)  PS408 Human Sexuality (Dr Padraig Mac Neela)   PS403 Biological Psychology(Ms Anne Marie Keane) + Only students attending for the full academic year may take the module PS124 Introductory Psychology 2 provided they have attended PS122 Introductory Psychology 1 in Semester 1 Due to the inclusion of modules from Second and Third Year of the Psychology programme timetable clashes may emerge which may affect module selection. Admission to some modules will depend on the academic background of the student in the relevant subject area. Please consult the module coordinator. For PS339 Behavioural Medicine and PS345 Applied Developmental Psychology a maximum of 35 students are permitted to register for each of these modules. PS341 has a maximum of 25 students. PS3101 Modelling Learning and Decision Making – 35 students. PS419 Relational Frame Theory, Language and Cognition – 30 students (only available to those registered on Denominated Psychology and Higher Diploma programmes) 

5 Timetable and module descriptions are available on the psychology website.

6 After registration Signature Erasmus students

7 What should I do? Read the module descriptions Note timetable clashes
Note assessment requirements e.g. Continuous assessment and end of semester written exams. You must sit end of semester written exams if applicable to your module! Make sure you know where the teaching sessions are and attend the lectures Visit Psychology so that you know where to hand in assignments and where you can find staff Have a great time in Galway!

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