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Konstantinos Kavafis The Kavafis disease.

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Presentation on theme: "Konstantinos Kavafis The Kavafis disease."— Presentation transcript:

1 Konstantinos Kavafis The Kavafis disease

2 A few words about Konstantinos Kavafis
Konstantinos Kavafis is one of the most important Greek poets of modern times. Born and lived in Alexandria and poems talks about it, so it is often referred to as the "Alexandrian".

3 His work Today his poetry has not only prevailed in Greece, but also occupied a prominent place in all European poetry, following the translations of poems originally in French, English, German and then in many other languages.

4 The Kavafis disease In 1932, Kavafis, ill from throat cancer, went for treatment in Athens, where he remained for some time, collecting a very warm sympathy from the crowd of admirers. But returning to Alexandria, his condition worsened. Introduced in the Greek Community Hospital, where he died on April 29, 1933, the day that complement 70 years of life.



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